Thursday, September 27, 2018

U.S. F-35 Fighter Jet Has Just Conducted Its First-Ever Airstrike

F-35B joint strike fighter jet conducts aerial maneuvers. REUTERS/US Marine Corps/Handout/File Photo

CNN: US F-35 fighter jet conducts first-ever airstrike

The US military's F-35B joint strike fighter conducted its first-ever airstrike in the last 24 hours, according to three US defense officials.

The strike took place in Afghanistan against a fixed Taliban target. The aircraft involved were the US Marine Corps' variant of the aircraft flying from the USS Essex amphibious assault ship.

The F-35 stealth jet has been called the most expensive weapons system in history, and its development was beset by multiple delays before it was deemed combat ready.

It is touted as the future of military aviation: a lethal and versatile aircraft that combines stealth capabilities, supersonic speed, extreme agility and state-of-the-art sensor fusion technology, according to Lockheed Martin, the plane's primary contractor.

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Update #1: US F-35 fighters fly first ever combat mission (AFP)
Update #2: The US F-35 has entered combat for the first time, conducting its first airstrike against the Taliban in Afghanistan (Business Insider)

WNU Editor: The strike was against a fixed Taliban target in Afghanistan.


Anonymous said...

Whose wedding reception did they bomb?

Anonymous said...

About time. Against low end threats so this is nothing more than an exercise equivalent. But hey since they are over Afghanistan why not do some signals intelligence in the Chinese border region, Pakistan and Iran? While the pilot had fuel.

Carl said...

"The F-35 stealth jet has been called the most expensive weapons system in history..." So this must be therefore, the most expensive air strike in history.

manstien said...

How to end your empire. Build a trillion dollar weapon and use it on the poorest people on earth.

fazman said...

You mean the poorest pos.
Can't think.if a better firing range.

Anonymous said...

It's the F-35. Don't imagine the bombs dropped on target. TBH, it'd count as a win if the pilot made it back alive

Anonymous said...

Unlike a test range the target is not exactly known to the pilot.

Also, there might be manpads, SA-18s, given to the Taliban by the Russians, Chinese, Pakistanis, Iranians or Libyans.

So while the battlespace is permissive for the 35, it is not without risk.

When I wrote manpads liberals on here they thought I was talking about "Maxi pads" for liberal men and their interest was piqued.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure most of the kale eating "men" on the left could use manpads