Sunday, September 2, 2018

Why A Massive Russian Military Exercise Now?

Brad Howard, Task & Purpose: The Real Reasons Behind Russia’s Massive Military Exercises

Russian President Vladimir Putin would never invade western Europe.

Lets game it out, just for fun. Russia invades with thousands of tanks, aircraft, and infantry. Europe, beholden to years of low defense budgets, folds. Shortly afterwards, Russia’s economy collapses due to the massive cost of mobilizing it’s military and occupying now refugee-filled, and probably insurgency filled European states. China won’t help anyone because all of this could leave them as the sole superpower. The United States, rising to meet its NATO obligations, possibly retaliates with limited nuclear strikes; Russia does the same. Maybe things escalate from there, although it’s hard to conceive as to why; but even if it doesn’t, the death toll from both war and starvation would become mind-numbingly high — and, to any sane strategic thinker, an impossible price to pay in the interest of a territorial accession.

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WNU Editor: There is a lot of criticisms of this military exercise on Russian social media and other alternative Russian news sources. So if Putin is trying to play to a domestic audience, it is not working. I can only assume that Russian President Putin is sending a message to the U.S. and its allies in Western Europe, as well as to the countries that border Russia.


Roger Smith said...

You haven't considered the logistical side of the invasions.
Also, what makes you think the Russian military is still using older communication equipment?
An EMP attack is no trivial matter and China and Russia had best be very dispersed to survive the counterattack. I don't think the NK rational would fly.

Anonymous said...

Nukes are hardened against EMP.

Lots of stuff is.

The EMP attacks happen and no more Beijing or Moscow.

World done carved then.

I know I would nuke my spouse's homeland no questions asked. If you want to debate that then try.

I bitch slap you and hand your ass back.

Bert Bert said...

What’s the opportunity cost? What else could they have spent the money on?

Anonymous said...

Doesn't make sense. The US would overwhelm China and Russia with nukes. Life on this planet would change forever.

And why the f would Russia risk all that for MORE territory? They already have the biggest landmass on earth and already have trouble defending that under any scenario AND have a shrinking population AND portion would find 0 support for this at home AND he would die in a nuclear mushroom.

Please don't play wargames

Anonymous said...

Portion = Putin
Damn Autocorrect

Anonymous said...

Vodka. Education.

Probably vodka

But in all seriousness, if Putin were to do this, he'd need super strong backing at home - this would be a lengthy war or very short. If very short we're all dead because Europeans have nukes too you know? Own nukes like france and shared nuke program with the US. Even unmilitaristic Germany has nukes. So in the case of long war, the young population that right now already doesn't like Putin and wants him gone and doesn't want anything to do with his warmongering and already overstretched military deployments etc..those become more influential over time. And typically you would see a lot of military spending increase and propaganda increase/re-education in mind and skillset to prepare for such warefforts and also justify them and risking the lives of everyone. That's not happening. No Russian ever got up in the morning and thought "you know what's really worth risking my life over and perhaps die a gruesome death through radioactive poisoning instead of living my middle class life and perhaps make lasting peace with Europe? More land. .that's what I totally want" lol