Friday, September 7, 2018

World News Briefs -- September 7, 2018

In President Donald Trump's speech he blasted the 'anonymous gutless coward' behind the essay, verbally hiccuping on the word 'anonymous' and twice mangling the pronunciation

Daily Mail: Trump attacks New York Times over anonymous op-ed and vows to unmask 'gutless coward' behind it at Montana rally – as dozens of insiders including Melania, Pence and Sessions insist it's not them

* President Trump says an anonymous op-ed slamming him in The New York Times was an act of 'treason'
* He spoke to a Fox News interviewer on a makeshift stage inside a Billings, Montana arena ahead of a rally
* During his actual speech he demanded the Times hand him its nameless author's head on a platter 'for the sake of national security'
* Trump called the writer an 'anonymous gutless coward' but twice mangled the pronunciation of 'anonymous' – settling for 'anomonous'
* Senior aides scrambled Thursday to disown Wednesday's op-ed that slammed the president's leadership style as impetuous, petty and ineffective
* The culprit could be a non-Republican lurking in his administration, Trump suggested, or 'it may be a deep-state person that's been there a long time'

President Donald Trump said Thursday that an anonymous op-ed slamming him in The New York Times was an act of treason, asserting something he has only written with a question mark to date.

'The Times should never have done that because really what they've done is virtually, you know, it's treason. You could call it a lot of things,' the president said in Billings, Montana.

Trump was being interviewed by Fox News Channel co-host Pete Hegseth in one corner of the Rimrock Auto Arena, with a live audience of more than 10,000 people.

In his speech he blasted the 'anonymous gutless coward' behind the essay, verbally hiccuping on the word 'anonymous' and twice mangling the pronunciation.

Read more ....


Russian, Turkish and Iranian leaders start third summit on Syrian settlement.

Russia warns US of possible Syria attack in area with US troops: report.

U.S. official: Syrian forces could be preparing chemical weapons for attack on Ibib. US warns of Idlib chemical attack as Syria summit opens in Tehran.

US plays down talk of imminent pullout of forces from Syria.

Syria's war: Drones crowd Idlib skies as province awaits battle.

Shiite split heats up as Iraqi lawmakers fail to elect speaker.

Iraq: Protesters torch government buildings in Basra.

Iranian oil exports plunge despite ‘creative solutions’.

Yemen: Protests continue as Geneva peace talks stalled.


Xi to attend Russia summit, North Korea's Kim invited.

Two Koreas seek accelerated denuclearization, Seoul says.

North Korea anniversary drawing foreign visitors, state media says.

FBI charges North Korean Park Jin Hyok over WannaCry, Sony cyberattacks.

Britain’s South China Sea ‘provocation’ puts post-Brexit trade talks at risk, warns official Beijing mouthpiece.

Japan earthquake: death toll rises in Hokkaido.

Japan says it's time to allow sustainable whaling.


Djibouti, Eritrea agree to normalise ties strained since 2007.

Mugabe 'accepts' Mnangagwa's election win.

Angola: Dos Santos's era of absolute power ends.

Restructuring Nigeria becomes an election issue.

Anger as Italy arrests Tunisian fishermen 'rescuing migrants'.

France arrests Liberian 'militant commander'.

Ethiopia says Blue Nile Dam engineer's death a suicide.


Face-off at the UN: Russian ambassador accuses UK of unleashing 'disgusting anti-Russian hysteria' with 'concocted' novichok story after Britain accused Moscow of 'playing dice with lives'.

UK Novichok allegations backed by world leaders.

Salisbury Novichok poisoning: Threat from Russia is 'real' - GCHQ.

Russia's massive war games 'not directed at other countries,' local news agencies say.

Migrant arrivals drop as Hungary enforces tough law.

Protests as Moldova 'deports Turkish teachers'.

After spy's scepticism, Germany says will probe Chemnitz events.


Shocking moment Brazilian far-right presidential candidate is stabbed during campaign rally - before crowd beat up his attacker.

Brazil's far-right presidential candidate survives life-saving surgery after being stabbed by 'socialist' attacker who said he was acting on 'a mission from God' during rally.

Trump doubles down on 'treason' accusation after New York Times op-ed.

'It's a no-go': Trump won't answer Mueller's obstruction questions, Giuliani says.

US jobs and wage growth picks up.

Trump inauguration crowd photos were edited after he intervened.

US urges Paraguay to rethink Israeli embassy move.


Cryptocurrencies continue to tumble on Goldman reports.

US tech firms ask for protection from next Trump tariffs.

Tesla chief Elon Musk smokes marijuana on live web show.

British Airways data breach affects almost 400,000 customers, airline promises compensation.


  1. Best guess: Melania Trump wrote the article (her speechwriter)

  2. Got a deal: You reveal your taxes and we will reveal the writer of the article

  3. Riddle me this:

    1. She didn't have to, she was asked. And why are you writing all caps? Is it parrot day again?

  4. "Germany says will probe Chemnitz events."

    The SPD foreign minister decries racism and the right wing.

    What the stupid a-hole minister does not know or is dishonest about is that the victim murdered by the refuge, one of Angela Merkel's "children", is that he was BLACK!


    We are upset that GOD DAMNED LEFTISTS insist on denigrating western language, culture, traditions etc. We want to "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, ...".

    Apparently, that is to much to ask for.

    The uberlords of the LEFt will not allow it.


  5. Daniel Hillig was BLACK and people did not have a problem with it.

    Well one person did. He was a MUSLIM and murdered Daniel

    The FAT Frau must be voted out of office.

    PS A lot of people had a problem with Daniel. They are called Leftists. Daniel had a job and did not need welfare. That makes it damned hard for a LEftist to make a living.

  6. sometimes meds plus talk therapy do work

    1. You absolutely should consider doing this, Fred.

  7. Interesting with the press, I came to see that with Obama, the press invented stories or themes to make him look great. With Trump it is no effort at all for them to invent stories or themes to make him look bad.

    The press just lies and are good for nothing.

    1. It's even worse. Some are political hacks, like Fred, and just push and consume the current narrative. Others though are worse. They see the opportunity in the market. Everything about Trump sells and you can claim the most outrageous stuff without evidence. Then the next narrative is found and the crowd moves on to the next book sale. I'm sure Fred bought a few. .to look intellectual (he so desperately pushes his PhD on this blog ) and then, like a good parrot, repeats it all

  8. ...and sometimes the dosage of the meds needs to be upped

    1. Whatever your current dosage is you need to review it with your psychologist. It's either too high or too low, I don't know. ..all I can tell you is that's it's not the right dosage for you. That I do know for sure.

  9. "She didn't have to, she was asked"

    She had to come for political reasons.

    Who asked her to come?

    Was the person or group told to ask her to come?

    FACT: If she did not come she would look 'uncaring.'

    FACT: If political reasoning indicates she needs to show up because of the polls, she will show up regardless if she cares or not. IPSO FACTO if a pol shows up, that mere fact alone does not prove the pol cares about the people. The pol might jsut care about the polls.

    Even a snake is smarter than Merkel. If it swallows too much it will spit some out and digest what it can.

    Merkel just keeps swallowing and swallowing refugees. There is no assimilation there other than the IDIOT German pols (like the foreign minister or the 80 year old CDU hag from Barvaria) telling the German people to assimilate.

  10. "...he so desperately pushes his PhD .."

    Worst English Course Ever

    "I weep for the next generation of college graduates."

    English professors also teach "Harry Potter" too.

    You take courses like that and you wind up as a barrista.

  11. poor Smith or whatever fake name he is using, as in anon...can not get over the fact that I was a teacher. How many times have I "pushed" my degree? the insults, the innuendos: all the bullshit of a failed genetic inheritance a pint of Lysol in the family gene pool

    1. Different anon here. As a teacher you're rather slow in understanding that there's multiple people here who think you're a hack, a parrot and -definitely- psychotic.

  12. "The veteran leader had "gladly accepted" an invitation from Chemnitz mayor Barbara Ludwig when the two spoke by phone, a spokesperson for city hall told AFP."

    Who called who, first?

    It is implicitly understood that unless you play ball funding can be cut in toto or enough to make life difficult without it being obvious that it is political.

    Daniel Hillig, a black man, is murdered and Angel Merkel cares ... about the polls ... the elections ... about power.

    Angel Merkel will ride the CDU all the way down. She will not leave it a brokeback, swayback nag. She will leave it flatlined.

    Such is the honor of Angel Merkel.

  13. Not all professor are created equal.

    Some are like Melissa Glick at the Mizzou.

    Some operate in a stealth mode spreading Leftist propaganda.

    What is Fred like?

  14. The mouth breather is angry now.

    He is calling people sexist names.

    His dosage is not right.

  15. With low level people stealing stuff of his desk,

    With people like "Reality Winner" going to prison for givnng secret docs to The Intercept.

    This is not uncalled for.

    2 out 3 scenarios call for an investigation.

    The op-ed write could be a thief.

    Or the op-ed could by psy-ops by the NYT, in which case we need a discussion in the U.S. as to what is permissible. If the newspaper is conducting psy ops does the 1st amendment cover them or should it.

  16. I do n not always have to think. I can listen.

    Lo & behold what fell into my lap.

    "Previous exaggerations cast doubt on controversial op-ed"

    "It turns out the federal analyst, the energy analyst and the officer turned out to be the same person who was actually an intern when he wrote the first email and in an entry level position when he wrote the other comments.”

    The New York Time has lied before. It will lie again.

    Fred, our intrepid Bohemian writer, will believe each and every time. So sweet, So sweet.

    The NYT puts the lure out there and Fred will strike hard.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. What Mueller's Most Conspicuous Silence Suggests

    The theft of emails from Democratic officials seems like the most likely avenue for proving collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign—but the special counsel never mentions it.

  19. Fred takes the lure? so too just about every senior member of the Trump team...and citing WND for anything is dumber than even my goldfish would do

  20. "and citing WND for anything is dumber "

    Here it is from

    Well unfortunately for the New York Times, the emails were from the Energy Information Agency - a government organization - so this meant Senate investigators were able to find the original emails and work out the identity of all these different senior experts. It turns out the federal analyst, the energy analyst and the officer turned out to be the same person who was actually an intern when he wrote the first email and in an entry level position when he wrote the other comments. Yes, that’s right, the “Paper of Record" misrepresented an intern/junior employee as a senior official to push an agenda.

    I can find this information from any number of newspapers. So what NEOlib Fred is really complaining about is thus information was vetted/squelched by an approved source (read Democrat leaning paper).

  21. "What Mueller's Most Conspicuous Silence Suggests" Da Atlantic

    A Left leaning news source

    Da Punchline
    " that he lacks interest or information about it—in fact, it may indicate precisely the opposite."


    1) We all know that when your Podesta and your password is passw0rd, you are gong to get hacked by almost everyone.

    By everyone except Fred.

    2) If Mueller bring stuff up within 60 days of the election, the FEC will get involved.

    3) China got a hold of Hillary's emails, because she illegally ran government business on her own servers.

    Fred just not get the severity of that illegal stupid action by the person , Clinton that he voted for. Of course we are not talking about a brain trust.

  22. "Papadopoulos given 14-day sentence as part of the Mueller investigation" - Vox

    Why not a year or 3?

    Because if they did he would have fought harder.

    Then we would find out it was set up.

    Basically Flynn, Papandapoulous, etc pleas are Alford pleas,

    This isn't going away and Democrats are going to go away for this.

  23. fred lapides said...

    Tired of winning?

    I never get tired of full employment, wage growth, increased receipt to the treasury, etc.

    Why do you ask? Do you hate those things?

    Any minute now the nurse'assistant will be by you wheel you from the TV room to your bed.

  24. name calling is for losers
    tell me i am wrong. show me. but if you need to call me names you are childish

  25. If all going so well, why then, with voters usually supporting those in place with good economy, is Trump at 35% approval rating, a rating which suggests he has lost the independent support he had once had?

  26. "tell me i am wrong. show me."

    - full employment,
    - wage growth,
    - increased receipt to the treasury,

    There is so much MAGA that Obama wants some credit. and Fred says "Hey, I'm from Missouri."


    "Obama claims ownership of U.S.’s economic recovery as he blasts Trump" - Market Watch

  27. Someone spoke about Trumps low approval ratings. "The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday (9/7/2018) shows that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-two percent (52%) disapprove", this in spite of non-stop criticism and very personal character assassination widely disseminated by the Liberal news media. Many of our more dumbed-down citizens still believe the media as opinion-leaders, and have not been awakened to the huge globalist conspiracy that Trump is fighting against. I wish the President well and hope he succeeds in bringing down the deep state.
