Wednesday, October 31, 2018

According To CNN People Like Me Are The Biggest Terror Threat In The U.S. Today

The Hill: Don Lemon: 'White men' are biggest terror threat to US, and there is no travel ban on them

CNN anchor Don Lemon declared that "the biggest terror threat in this country is white men," adding that "there is no travel ban on them" in an exchange that has prompted rebuke from conservatives on social media.

"I keep trying to point out to people and not to demonize any one group or any one ethnicity," Lemon said to fellow CNN anchor Chris Cuomo during a handoff of their respective programs late Monday. "But we keep thinking that the biggest terror threat is something else, someone people who are marching, you know, towards the border, like it's imminent."

Read more ....

Update #1: CNN host: 'The biggest terror threat in this country is white men' (FOX News)
Update #2: CNN’s Don Lemon Says Biggest Terror Threat In Country Is White Men: ‘We Have To Start Doing Something About Them’ (Newsweek)

WNU Editor: How this racist and hateful man still has a job at CNN is very revealing to me on who and what is CNN today. Which leads me to this point made by CNN Founder Ted Turner's last month .... he'd prefer his old network have a more balanced agenda .... CNN Founder Ted Turner Says Network Is Too Heavy on Politics (Hollywood Reporter). Yup .... the CNN that Ted Turner and I remember from the 1990s is definitely not the network of today.


  1. We whites make up maybe 10% of world population (and fast shrinking ha ha). But we must be truly magnificent if we can control everything (like this CNN guy thinks).

  2. You trump lovers...are clowns.

  3. Guy has a point. Lot of white dudes have shot up churches, bars, concerts, schools, places of work and fascists driving cars into crowds of people in the last few years.

    Dylan Roof, Adam Purinton, Jim David Adkisson, Keith Luke, Dannie Roy Baker,
    Richard Poplawski, James Von Brunn, Ross William Muehlberger, Wade Michael Page, Frazier Glenn Miller, Jr., Jerad and Amanda Miller, John Russell Houser, Allen Lawrence Scarsella, Jeremy Christian, Stephen Paddock and James Fields.

    That's a lot white American citizens murdering a lot people.

    But, yeah, Leftist Mobs and Jerbs. And SCARY CARAVAN. BOOOOOOOOOOOO.


  4. Kinda makes one think of Detroit, doesn' it, anon 3:21PM? I mean look at all the wars in history. White guys. Like Ghengis Kh....well, Mohamm.....Hmmmm. Um. Ok. Sitting Bull at the Little Big.... Well.... they're near white and that's close enough for me.

    Hell, anon, if we had a patent on the behavior you mention, we'd be rich from all the patent infringement lawsuits in which we would have prevailed over the centuries.

    Why is the verifying robot picking on me today? I thought we were friends. I'm gonna dust off the firearm and blast my computer.

  5. And Fred, when the British colonized India, and brought sanitation - one might argue this saved millions and millions, because as you -very educated- Fred knows, sanitation was a big big issue (still is, parrot) and is, together with famine, the biggest killer in human history. But yeah, whatever, evil white people. You repetitive narrative is so ill informed, racist, biggoted - but you think you are the enlightened, it is so hilarious. What do you do again for a living? Run a smut website you say? For how long? 20 years now? Wow... Democrat...


  6. Fred, I DO know it. Ghengis Khan and that Arab Mohammed(sp)were before WE became the toughest on the block. The Japanese were certainly not adored in Nanking in 1937-38 or the rest of China and the feeling likely still remains, I'll bet. I'll bet YOU didn't know that. As I noted in a prior post, "The Rape of Nanking". Iris Chang. At your library. I stopped reading in the middle of the 7th page. Why don't you try and get through page 8? If you can, you're a tougher man than me. By the way, this was Asian on Asian. Sorry, don't know the skin color but it ain't white.
    And why rant about a brief period in time? Caucasians don't have a monopoly on brutality as I've noted. It was the Chinese who invented gunpowder, remember.
    Silly b.s. isn't the phrase, Fred. I'm being sarcastic in the face of ignorance as portrayed by a couple of those anon boys. Or were they girls? [One has to be politically correct these days. It's the latest, you know.]


  7. Roger and Anon's shoulders are growing strong bearing the White Mans Burden.

    True scholars and heroes of the white race.

    Perchance do either of you have newsletters or pamphlets to which I may subscribe?

  8. Guys; I hate to tell you, your all arguing about things way above you pay grades. I'm not here to insult you but this whole thing about Nature vs Nurture is important. Some people think it's one or the other but it's both and always have been. So, when your arguing about how one group acts differently than the other your forgetting about how different we have been Nurtured. Remove Nurtured, we're all the same!
