Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Tweets For Today


  1. Trump, who can barely read, and who spends time watching tv, knows more than intel professionals? Yes. He gets info from Putin

    1. Fred, as much as I love to hear your classics, how about - nearly 3 years into claiming this BS (first fbi for one year,
      and Mueller soon 2 years) - you smell the coffee? I mean how naive can you be to keep on believing this narrative? You just don't wake up. You keep on parroting it. Just wake up dude, it's so sad

  2. 10:17

    Fred just goes with the flow. He went with the flow into the military, college, wherever. He is like oxygen dihydride in a fluid with no volition of its own. A few more atoms by by several orders of magnitude, but essentially the same behavior. Don't expect him to actually think for himself.

  3. I am waiting to have Fred respond to a later post, can't wait his response. However, the real story here is that there are a lot of Fred's out there....very scary.

  4. Memo to Fred

    There are new talking point. Orders from above, from the Holy of Holies, is that climate change has a new official marketing moniker. Thou shalt call it 'atmospheric cancer.'

    There is no need to tell you twice, we all know you are go with the flow type of guy.

    The phrases listed below are verbotten due to the new branding and advertising campaign.

    Climate Change
    Carbon Pollution
    Climate Weirding
    Atmospheric Radicalization
    Global Climate Disruption
    Global Warming
