Thursday, January 31, 2019

Tweets For Today


  1. So wait, 100,000 surrender, and 0nly 6,000 survive in captivity and then a few days ago I remember being lectured about Germans being so bad. So, to recap: Russians killed 3 times(!!!) as many Ukrainians and other nationalities than Hitler did (google starvation as weapon), and you clearly murdered captives, but germany gets to be blamed for everything. Despite that you even partnered with Hitler Germany and divided Poland among you. Get it? Russia = innocent.. as always. They've done this for hundreds of years.. today again, Ukraine.. Georgia.. the same shit repeats.. can't wait until Russia blames Syria on Germany too :)

    Oh and cheating during Olympics was just "other nations hating on Russia because they are so strong".. and killing innocent civilians with nerve agents was just "russian tourists visiting the UK"

    so sick of this Russia shit

  2. 6 in 100 Germans survived.

    Russian survival rates in German prisons were very horrific, too. Do not have the exact stat, but they were abysmal.

    But you are right about the double standard.

    Romania and Poland still do not have the territory back that Russia stole in 1939.

  3. Pictured: 'Persons of interest' in hunt for suspects who 'attacked Empire star Jussie Smollett and put a noose round his neck' - as his manager says he HEARD them yell 'this is MAGA country'

    This is the latest law enforcement, public relations, cultural and political (military) offensive by the Democrat Party (The Left) to take total control of the United states and wipe out political dissent.

    Two black guys attack a black guy and it is whitey's fault. But in the tradition of never letting a manufactured crisis go to waste, Democrats will attempt to ride the race issue into office in 2020.

    The media is telling us they want this story to permeate the consciousnesses of every person. This is day 2. It want from the #2 story to the top headline story on the Daily Mail

    Check this out on Google Maps:
    300 North Water Street, Chicago, IL

    Look at the picture of where the attack happened. Would you walk there at 2 AM in the morning? The place is below ground and out of the wind, so it would be a place for hook ups.

    Would white gays attack black gays? The ChicagoReaders tells us that it happens. I believe them, but that is up in Boystown to the northwest.

    Chicago is the type of town, where a Democrat will take a baseball bat to a woman 2 or 3 blocks from Wrigley field in broad daylight in a good neighborhood. And this fool is out wandering at 2 AM in below zero weather?

    It is a lie, but Democrats are in full battle rattle looking for some political scalps.

    Which is step one. Step 2 will be higher taxes and more quotas. People know this, so they are very angry at this lie that the Democrat Machine is propagating.

  4. Police: "They threw bleach at you?"

    'Victim': "Yes, officer"

    Police: "But it was below zero!"

    'Victim': The bleach came out in ice cubes and burned me even worse!"

    Police: "RrriiiiiiiggghhTT!"

    Rahm (Mayor): "Totally believable. Never let a crisis go to waste. Call FIB!"

  5. The city of Chicago operates an advanced linked network of 30,000 closed-circuit cameras around the city, the New York Times reported last May.
