Thursday, January 31, 2019

World Nuclear Powers Meet In Beijing

RFE: Five Nuclear Powers Meeting In Beijing As U.S. Calls For Transparency

The United States has called for more transparency from Russia and China regarding their nuclear programs, as diplomats from five major nuclear powers meet in Beijing.

The two-day conference that opened on January 30 is aimed at preventing the further proliferation of nuclear weapons. Aside from Beijing, Moscow, and Washington, diplomats from London and Paris are also participating.

Britain, China, France, Russia, and the United States are the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, and all of them are nuclear-armed powers.

Read more ....

Update #1: Five nuke powers vow to safeguard non-proliferation treaty (CGTN)
Update #2: The major nuclear powers are meeting in Beijing. Why? Euronews answers (Euronews/AP/Reuters).

WNU Editor: This meeting is already causing friction .... US accuses Russia, China of lack of transparency on nuclear programmes (SCMP/AFP). More here .... US calls for compliance with nuclear treaties (ABC News/AP)


  1. transparency?

    'Whistleblower' in White House security clearance office gets suspended
    Tricia Newbold was suspended less than a week after NBC reported Jared Kushner's top-secret security clearance was approved over staff objections.

  2. Nobody to this day knows how many ICBM's China has because they are road mobile, hidden in caves and China has always refused to discuss it.

    That makes a START treaty impossible to extend. It makes strategic arms control impossible to conduct.

  3. schew snippiness and deal with topic

    The snipster staying on target.

    "'Whistleblower' in White House security clearance office gets suspended"

    LMAO, U can't make this stuff up!

    Snipster, this stuff could be better put under the World Round-ups, Tweets for the Day, or picture of the day (no so much).

    Maybe the snipster should stay on target and quit bitching.
