Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Where Is The Evidence That Russia Interfered In The 2016 Elections?

Boyd Cathey, Zero Hedge/The Unz Review: Did The Russians Really Interfere In US Elections?

The Mueller Report is now public, and our Mainstream Media have filled the airways with all sorts of commentaries and interpretations. We know that - despite the very best efforts of the dedicated Leftist attorneys on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s staff - there was absolutely no coordination between members of the Trump campaign, or any of his staffers, with Russians. No additional charges have come as a result, other than accusations made earlier of “process crimes” (e.g. failure to report earnings on tax forms, failure to report lobbying work, or not telling investigators what they demanded to hear—“crimes” that practically every politician in Washington has been guilty of at one time or another and would normally not cause much of a stir). None of these involved Russia.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The author of the above commentary is not a supporter of the Mueller Counsel, the media that fed the narrative on Russian collusion and election interference, and the political class that supported it. But partisanship aside, Boyd Cathey does make a good point ..... where is the evidence that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections? Aside from the claim that $160,000 was spent on a social media campaign (where apparently much was only spent after the election), and claims that it was Russia that leaked emails to Wikileaks proving that the Democrat Party had fixed the primaries to favour Hillary Clinton (which Wikileaks has denied), I have yet to see any real evidence from the U.S. government on Russian interference in 2016. The U.S. intel community is still saying that they do have evidence that Russia interfered in the election, but due to the secrecy of their intelligence operations they are not at the liberty to disclose it. So should we believe and trust the U.S. intel community when they ask for our trust? You tell me.


  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/30/us/politics/mueller-barr.html?ref=hvper.com&utm_source=hvper.com&utm_medium=website

  2. We have yet to see a reasonably full report of the Mueller work...Only the House oversight committee (fully entitled to the full unredacted report and cleared for fully classified materials) can assess what is in the full report. It is foolish to simply accept what Barr has said when and offered when we now know that the author of that report objects to what Barr is thus far doing

    1. "and cleared for fully classified materials" no they are not secret squirrel and if you are what you claim to be you would know that.

  3. Zero Hedge’s content has been classified as “alt-right” and has been criticized for presenting conspiracy theories.

    In review, Zero Hedge publishes pro-right wing/Trump articles such as Pat Buchanan: “Trump Calls Off Cold War II.” As well as fake news stories regarding liberals: Anti-Trump Protesters Bused Into Austin, Chicago.

    Editorial content is written under the pseudonym Tyler Durden and usually focuses on conspiracies related to economic collapse. Zero Hedge sources to factually mixed think tanks such as the The Mises Institute, which promotes Austrian (Anarcho-Capitalism) economics.

    1. Fortunately squirrel we have you and Newsweek to rely on.

    2. OK squirrel, who classified zero hedge as "alt right"?
