Friday, May 31, 2019

China Imposes Tariffs On U.S. Goods

Daily Mail: America is BOUND TO LOSE! Beijing declares it will win the escalating trade war in series of propaganda columns in mouthpiece state newspaper and accuses the US of being a 'bull in the china shop'

* China published a series of propaganda columns on its largest newspaper
* They 'analyzed' why the U.S. would be 'the destined loser' in the trade war
* The author said the Trump government was 'being too smart for its own good'
* Comes after the same paper used a coded message for war to warn the U.S.
* China will impose higher tariffs on 5,410 American products from tomorrow
* While Trump has more than doubled tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods

China has claimed itself to be the destined winner of the trade war with the U.S. in a series of nine propaganda columns on the country's largest newspaper.

'America is bound to lose,' wrote People's Daily, the mouthpiece of China's ruling Communist Party.

The serial commentaries were published as the trade war between Beijing and Washington reached a new level - with heated words exchanged between two famous news presenters on air and Chinese threats to curb exports of its natural resources.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: These tariffs are just a drop in the bucket. The US only exports $120 billion per year to China, and it represents only a fraction of one percent of its gross domestic product.

More News On China Imposing Tariffs On U.S. Goods

China's retaliatory tariffs on U.S. goods take effect amid standoff -- Reuters
China retaliatory tariffs on US goods come into force -- DW
China's tariff hikes on US goods come into force -- BBC
China Steps Up Trade War and Plans Blacklist of U.S. Firms -- The New York Times
China is establishing an ‘unreliable entities’ list that will include companies and people -- CNBC


  1. This kind of "vigorous" language looks a little bit desperate. The threat on resources (like rare earth) is a "deja vu" weapon. China did it many years ago against Japan ans US and it was a flop. The result make the rare earth more expensive and make other countries being able to make it profitable.

  2. China simply needs to simply call back their debt with usa and USA its and its useless dollar would be nil

    1. We can just write it off and refuse to pay because they stole our IP. So, that won't work!

  3. So the Chinese have decided. All in. Full on cold war confrontation. Markets. Culture. Language. Hearts and Minds.

    Remember: The Chinese state does barely tolerate organized religion; means if you have faith, you are not allowed to practice it in churches, it's a bit random - see Muslims in concentration camps, I am sorry, re-education camps, and the abducted Christians too.

    Also, remember that China is an ethno-state. You will hardly find any other race in the Chinese Party. No blacks. No whites. No Latinos. Think about what that says. Even in Germany you have more diversity ;)))

    Then the land and sea grabbing - look at those maps the Chinese claim. It's like sticking the middle finger to half of the world over there. The Vietnamese are not ok with it and were threatened with war. The Philippines. Australia. New Zealand. Singapore. Malaysia. Japan. The Taiwanese. The US. The Europeans. All have been threatened. Most have been stolen from. Bullied.

    Is that normal behavior?

    You decide.

  4. Defaulting on sovereign debt can have disastrous results but for sure I can see Trump pulling that string because he really has no concern for Americans, now, or after he leaves office.

    Besides there are ways seemingly uncollectable soverign debt can be recovered, ways that have been used many times in the past.

  5. These US loses about 4x that every year because of intellectual property theft, combined with counterfeit goods sold worldwide. One of the main reasons for the tariffs from the US side is to address this exact issue.
