Friday, May 31, 2019

Iran's Military Budget Was Cut By 28% In March

Press TV

Forbes: Iran Forced To Cut Military Budget Just As U.S. And Saudi Warn 'No More Threats'

"We have been consistent in our messaging," Brian Hook, the U.S. Special Representative for Iran and Senior Policy Advisor to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters on May 30. "Iran should show more of an interest in talks than threats and we have seen on an almost daily basis from the Iranian regime that they will not talk with the United States."

This followed Ayatollah Khamenei's comments a day earlier, again dismissing the possibility of talks. "The Islamic Republic of Iran will absolutely not sit for talks with America," the Iranian leader told an audience in Teheran. "First it bears no fruit and second, it is harmful." Iranian state media reported Khamenei saying that "Iran’s leverage is not military unlike what the anti-Iran propaganda says, even though that option is not off the table in case of necessity."

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WNU Editor: Iran's economy is in a mess, and sanctions are just making a bad situation worse.They have to make cuts, and I guess the military is one place where these cuts are being made. The war in Iraq has also winded down, and the Syrian war is not as intense as it was 2 - 3 years ago. So it makes sense that there will be some cost savings there.


  1. guess that means they will not develop those pesky nukes

    1. I think they will go full speed ahead. Any nation would. We either all disarm or none will. I would applaud a disarmament and any leader brave enough to set this as goal.

    2. Or foolish enough

  2. "We either all disarm or none will."

    I believe that in one of Tom Clancy's novels the USSR and USA disarmed of all nukes, but another nation secretly developed them. Things did not go well.

    If Tom Clancy can think it and if his readers can read it and think it, others have taken note.

    So disarm if you want.
