Friday, May 31, 2019

U.S. Attorney General William Barr Responds To Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Remarks On Wednesday

CBS News: Does Barr think Obama officials committed treason? "Not as a legal matter, no"

Attorney General William Barr said he does not think some Obama-era Justice Department officials who oversaw the Russia investigation committed treason.

"Not as a legal matter, no," Barr told CBS News chief legal correspondent Jan Crawford when asked if he believed senior officials in the Obama administration committed treason, an accusation Mr. Trump has repeatedly made.

Pressed on whether he had concerns about the way these officials conducted the investigation into Russian interference in U.S. elections and possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Moscow, the attorney general replied, "Yes."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Many in the media have brought up the differences between the attorney general and the special counsel on this point .... Mueller, Barr give different explanations for not charging Trump (CBS). And some are even claiming that the Attorney General perjured himself to Congress by lying .... Fox News Reports: William Barr 'Emphatically' Lied To Congress (Crooks and Liars). The problem with this claim is that the Attorney General made his remarks under oath, and in the discussions that he had with the Special Console there were always people in the room (including the Assistant Attorney General Rosenstein) who witnessed and have since collaborated the Attorney General's testimony. On this issue alone it is important that former Special Console Robetr Mueller be brought in to testify under oath, and to receive questions from Congress explaining why he differs with the Attorney General. Making an 8 minute speech and then running out of the room while refusing to take questions is not good enough.

More News On U.S. Attorney General William Barr Response To Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Remarks On Wednesday

The Latest: Barr: Mueller could have decided on obstruction -- AP
Barr says he 'personally felt' Mueller could have reached decision on obstruction -- FOX News
Attorney General Barr says Mueller 'could've reached a decision' on obstruction -- Reuters
Bill Barr says Trump was RIGHT to accuse FBI and Justice Department of 'spying' on his campaign as he insists it's 'craziness' to rule the word out because the president's opponents don't like it -- Daily Mail
Barr slams Trump critics, bluntly criticizes Mueller team's 'legal analysis' -- ABC News
Mueller should have decided whether Trump committed a crime, Barr says -- The Guardian
Mueller’s punt keeps looking worse -- VOX


  1. Wow. Mueller had the right to remain silent. He really should have.

  2. Mueller, and his merry band of insurgents...

  3. Barr began with a great reputation
    Now, with every public appearance, he loses more and more of it

  4. Prosecution and prosecutorial decisions Mueller screwed up.

    1) Senator Steven
    2) Anthrax Investigation
    3) Enron

    4) BREAKING: Did Robert Mueller Conspire To Keep Four Innocent Men Framed By The FBI In Prison For Life For A Murder They Did Not Commit? The Boston Globe And A Longtime Member Of The MA Parole Board Say YES.

    Lou Greco was in Florida, when Deegan was murdered, but he was still convicted and died in prison.


    Greco had more ribbons than the parrot!

    5) The Russian Collusion Investigation

    Let's face it. Mueller is a class A EFF-UP!

  5. "There is no serious person out there who would suggest that you could even rig America's elections, in part because they are so decentralized. There is no evidence that that has happened in the past, or that there are instances that that could happen this time,"

    - Obozo October 2016

    So Democrats are lying now or they were lying then.

    EFF IT. Democrats lie all the time!

  6. President Obama To Donald Trump: 'Stop Whining'

    - NPR (October 18, 20161:31 PM ET)

    Obama: Trump's rigged election claim 'whining before the game's even over'

    - CNN (Updated 2:22 PM ET, Tue October 18, 2016)

    So was president O'Bumble incompetent or lying?

    "There is no serious person out there who would suggest that you could even rig America's elections, in part because they are so decentralized. There is no evidence that that has happened in the past, or that there are instances that that could happen this time,"

    - O'Bumble

    O'Bumble was thinking along the lines that no nation on earth can outstuff the ballot boxes of America better than the liars, thieves and cheats of the Democrat party.

    Yet more Leftdips protesting

    Forget Russian hackers or Donald Trump's fear-mongering about voter fraud

    - The New Republic (The Leftist's Leftist)

  7. All I see is so much hate within America. It's sad. It's like the end result seems to be a civil war and is needed.
