Sunday, June 30, 2019

Global Spy Agencies 'Are Trying To Get Hold Of Angela Merkel's Medical Records'

Daily Mail: Global spy agencies 'are trying to get hold of Angela Merkel's medical records' to find out what is behind her public shaking attacks

* Merkel, 64, endured a gruelling long distance flight and negotiations with Trump
* She appeared out of sorts as she flew into Japan for the G20 summit on Friday
* The Chancellor and her team insisted she is 'fine' after latest shaking attacks
* Spy agencies have reportedly opened their own investigations into the tremors

Global spy agencies are trying to get their hands on Angela Merkel's medical records in an effort to discover what caused her recent shaking episodes, it has been revealed.

Mrs Merkel, 64, kept a low profile as she attended the G20 summit in Osaka following the latest incident of tremors on Thursday.

Her office blamed dehydration for the first bout of tremors ten days earlier and said the second was psychological, caused by memories of the first.

According to Germany's Bild newspaper, however, several of the world's spy agencies are not convinced by the explanation and have started their own investigations into Mrs Merkel's condition.

Read more

WNU Editor: No one is buying the story that she was dehydrated or "psychological", and neither am I.


  1. Merkel is 64. You would think she would want to retire at the top of her game, which would have been 2015 before she nuked nuclear and imported military aged males from the Muslim countries. It is really too late to retire at the top of her game. She should retire before she looks like a geriatric case.

  2. Merkel is not a nice person. She has written checks for Germany that she cannot cover.

    Defend her immigration, energy, or defense plans.

  3. Someone in Merkel's staff needs to orchestrate (limit) her appearances to those best sat in a chair. Its painful to watch her obvious struggles with standing erect.

    But Germans have never been too quick on the uptake.



  4. Crazy old cat lady in Depends ,lol!!!! Worthless female so called leader!!

  5. it may seem cruel to urge retirement on this old lady, but it is not. Merkle has used her position to do incalculable harm to German. Many, many raped and murdered German's and their families have experienced and will experience the results of Merkle's treason. It would be true justice for this witch to suffer personally what so many German women have suffered at the hands of the Muslim invitees.
