Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Is The U.S. Military Becoming More Politicized?

The military parade President Donald Trump proposed is set to be held on November 10. Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Thomas Krasnican, Just Security: The U.S. Military Is Increasingly Politicized. Active-Duty Personnel Need to Prepare.

When Americans watch news coverage of any contemporary event, no one’s surprised to see it turn political. We live in a time when we can expect almost any topic – whether it’s school shootings, movie awards, climate change, or a sports event – to be packaged by members of one “side” to make their political point or use it as ammunition against the opposing political party. As we have seen with President Donald Trump’s 4th of July parade, the USS John S. McCain controversy and Trump’s transgender military ban, military events and policies are not exempt from this trend, and young service-members must begin preparing to serve in an increasingly politicized environment.

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WNU Editor: For as long as I can remember the U.S. military has always been heavily politicized. Presidents and politicians always want to put their stamp on the military, and President Trump is not an exception to the rule.


  1. Inexperienced people placed in key positions by a goody two shoes PM Justin Trudeau has already cost Canada far too much. The US has a lot more to lose by such inane activity.

  2. No one is more inexperienced than M. Huntley. It is why he was retired decades ago.


  3. That's why the dimz no longer control the presidency, senate, and 'til recently the house.

  4. When I was in the US Navy, 1974-78, there was not a hint of politicization. We all watched president Nixon resign on TV without comment.

  5. They had TVs onboard back then, huh.

  6. When the Navy ships were at sea, they had closed circuit TV only, I believe. But when I saw Nixon resign, I was at CINCPACFLT in Hawaii, on dry land, watching regular network news coverage with the staff. The word was passed informally, and the entire command gathered in the dayroom to watch Nixon's resignation.

  7. closed circuit TV is believable ... otherwise

    Without comment or politicking in uniform is believable. but I am sure they had strong opinions.
