Saturday, July 27, 2019

Is The U.S. Pushing For A “Face-Saving Way Out" Of Afghanistan?

Members of a Taliban delegation, led by chief negotiator Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar (C, front), leave after peace talks with Afghan senior politicians in Moscow, Russia May 30, 2019. Evgenia Novozhenina, Reuters

Axios: Afghanistan peace talks: U.S. pushes toward “face-saving way out"

The ongoing negotiations between the U.S. and the Taliban are a “charade” designed simply to provide the U.S. a “face-saving way out of Afghanistan,” former CIA deputy director Michael Morell tells Axios.

Why it matters: The Trump administration wants to move quickly toward a deal to end the war in Afghanistan. But Morell, who now hosts the Intelligence Matters podcast, is one of several experts and former officials warning that such a deal won’t secure peace.

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WNU Editor: This is one of those conflicts that will take a few decades to burn itself out. I also do not think these peace talks will be successful. Does the U.S. have the patience to stay in this war for that long? Definitely not. But I also do not expect the U.S. to be leaving anytime soon.


  1. I would support a low number of people doing what they currently do. Advising, primarily. I think our message is getting through hence the demolition now under way of the sitting duck strategy of checkpoints. The old guard has retired and new blood is taking over the armed forces, from what I read.

  2. Tearful boy clings to a woman as baton-wielding Russian police charge through election rally and arrest 600 people

  3. In that photo, the Taliban look like they are straight out of the Stone Age. And look at the expressions on their face--they are all evil men.

  4. They are men? Are you sure? I thought they were Dwarven women or something. Look at those wide breeder hips on those babes! I bet they get passed around a lot.

  5. These dudes defeated two superpowers.

    All America is good for is blowing shit up, eating huge amounts of food, growing morbidly obese up and losing wars.

  6. you left out our opioids!
    are you Taliban?

  7. Opioids for sure. That was what the war in Afghanistan is about, restoring the opioids the Taliban had forbidden the farmers to grow.

  8. ...forbidden for one year, before they reopened the trade under their own taxation regime.

    It's about a lot of different things, including the lucrative opium deals that the intelligence agencies can facilitate to fund their black programs. That's still just one small part of it though.

  9. A lot of juvenalia here. The USSR was not defeated by the Taliban. They did not exist until the 1990s after the Soviet Union pulled out.

    The USSR was defeated by a coalition not necessarily of allies but a coalition of countries consisting of Iran, China, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the US, Britain, etc. The USSR refused to escalate the war and played within certain ROEs.

    At the time Pakistan was worried about the USSR rolling south.

    The Taliban is still partial on a Pakistani leash. They have defeated no one. The US might decide to pick up its marbles and leave, but it won't necessarily be defeated. It will have refused to escalate.

    Yeah, America is obese and so is China, the developing world, etc. (most countries). What else are you going to do in Democrat shitholes except eat and take drugs? If you go outside for exercise, you get beat down be Democrat voters.

  10. 'It was pure pandemonium': Man, 38, is killed as TWELVE people - including a child - are shot in a hail of gunfire at a Brooklyn playground during annual block party 'old timers' event

    Like I said Americans are fat, because cities are run by Democrats and are shitholes.

    Tale New York City for example. Since WW2 there have only been 2 Republican mayors for a total of 12 years of Republican governance in 74 years (16%).

    Mayor De Blasio's wife just wasted 850 million dollars and no one knows where it went.

  11. Democrats = Racists

    "Well, if that was racist, so was Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). He toured West Baltimore — Cummings' district — in December 2015, to see the area where Freddie Gray was arrested. At that time, Sanders compared West Baltimore to a "Third World Country.""

  12. "-- Nord Stream 2: Rand Paul Fights Sanctions on Russian Pipeline"

    If Russia turned off gas on Ukraine, it will turn off gas on Germany.

    Herr Merkel is a fat slob idiot, who cannot even maintain her own metabolism at the tender age of 60 something.

    Merkel is so bad that it is not safe for women in the streets of German in the late afternoon or early m evening and it used to be.

    Merkel is so stupid that German women are at risk at public pools.

    Merkel the idiot messed up the safety of all German women just like she messed up German energy policy.

  13. "-- Trump campaign sees political advantage in a divisive appeal to working-class white voters"

    Obama gave up white blue collar voters in 2012.

    There is nothing divisive in pro-jobs & pro-growth. It helps everyone except those that want an underclass so they can rule people (i.e. Democrats).

  14. "found “evidence of mice or live mice” in and around the kitchen, a violation of sanitary standards that was deemed to be “critical”.

    The inspectors also found the restaurant to be “not vermin-proof” and said it was “conducive to attracting vermin” and “allowing vermin to exist”."

    So they did not see a mouse.

    It is a city run by De Blasio and New York City has rat problem. TY Democrats.

    "In 2014, however, scientists more accurately measured the entire city's rat population to be approximately only 24% of the number of humans. That would reduce the urban legend's ratio considerably, with approximately 2 million rats to New York's 8.4 million people at the time of the study"

    So if a Democrat mayors allow 2 million rats to live in NYC, how can one person keep them off their property?

    I will give NYC this. They do try to control the rats unlike the idiot Garcetti in Los Angeles. Now Garcetti is a total moron, a successful Democrat.

    Next time read the whole article moron. Oh wait we are talking about a PhD; it does not have to read anything but the headline.

  15. PhD and proud of itJuly 28, 2019 at 10:13 AM

    It is always easy to make fun of our cities. Yes. Most are run by Democrats. But then where is our wealth, our opportunities, our museums, our theatre, great libraries, universities, our wealthy apt and condo owners, our arts, our shipping, etc etc...IN OUR MAJOR CITIES. So stay in your little trailer park if you will. The young, the clever, the educated, the hopeful, the talented will go to those Democratic run cities!
    ps: rats proliferated now because of climate change. But you deny that so blame that on halal food carts in our cities

  16. great libraries?

    I went to a great library in a city. It had been turned into an identity politics feel good. There were no books, but lots of banners.

    Great theatre?

    You can find theatre in any city, town or even between towns. I would not call theater great in a place merely because they had moire than one.

    Take this for example:

    "DC theatre to host 11-hour reading of the Mueller report"

    Is that great theater? It is if you live in an echo chamber.

    "our wealthy apt and condo owners"
    Yes, the Rich and the Poor, but not so much the middle class. That is indeed greatness as defined by Democrat feudal overlords.

    Hint, the middle class commute to work, because they cannot afford to live in the city proper. Democrats have ruined that since the 1950s.

    After reading Paul Fussell's book class, it is no surprise that you lucked into a PhD with your white privilege. Any other decade and you would not have made the grade.

  17. "The young, the clever, the educated, the hopeful, the talented will go to those Democratic run cities!

    Baltimore Mayor: ‘Gave Those Who Wished to Destroy Space to Do That’

    Fred that is very clever of the young mayor.

  18. The Democrat Way:

    Baltimore Mayor: ‘Gave Those Who Wished to Destroy Space to Do That’

  19. For a long time, the Baltimore mayor was in hiding while she cleaned herself off of cocaine and methamphetamine. I hope she can stay clean.

  20. PhD thinks Fethullah Gulen is not as dangerous as Khomeini. What a tard. Flynn should be given a medal.

    Sian Gonzales lost his scholarship, because OF LIBERAL TARDS.

    Ever been to Alaska? I have. I met a 24 year old, unmarried woman with 4 kids. That is where the state surplus is going. To people like that. SO Sian Gonzalez can thank welfare queens. BTW she was not black. Democrats are equal opportunity corruptors.

    Who is all for this profligate welfare? Liberal Tards

    In Alaska you get a state check just for existing, but people want free everything.

    "Investment earnings on Alaskan mineral royalties are paid out to Alaska residents. It is an annual payment. The amount varies every year but in 2015, 637,014 residents got $2,072 each. Since 1988, the payment has been higher than $800."

    So this woman got $ 8,000 a year for spreading her legs and having fun.

  21. Fusion

    When the Editor announces he is not going to be working the site because of business or personal interests that is the signal for a free fall.

    What you are seeing at this point is the back and forth nonsense between two people "named" Anon, or perhaps as I suspect one person "named" Anon talking to himself and usually for the trashing of the Democratic party, democrats and of course liberals. It is easy to do on this site as there is no logging on/off needed. The Anon person just needs to adjust his postings accordingly to the appropriate persona.

    That person posts on this site very often insulting all and sundry on everything. Given his propensity to attack Democrats I have decided he actually is a forerunner on behalf of whoever it is, likely the Russians, interferring in the upcoming 2020 election. There are probably tens of thousands working at this low level towards the objective of keeping Trump and the GOP in power next time around.

    I am a Canadian so it is not my place but I do think that the Americans who visit this site ought to do their patriotic duty and inform the FBI of this person's activity.

  22. Anon

    Are you jealous? Heck $8,000 is a reasonable price to pay to keep the supply of cannon fodder flowing for the military.

  23. Who said the children of such a woman would be cannon fodder? They might look at their mother's example and live off of other like her and you.

  24. Nah, you are just stupid Bob.

    Unfortunately for you, you will never see better days. You will stay stuck on stupid. Dems the breaks kiddo.

    "Parents’ reliance on welfare leads to more welfare use by their children, study finds"

  25. Anon

    Doubling down on being weak.

  26. I provided facts. You provided your bloviating BS.

  27. Bobby,

    You are assuming that a person raised by a welfare mama would make the height and weight requirements

    You're assuming that a person raised by a welfare mama would opt to work instead of taking the same route their mother took. They call it intergenerational welfare dependency for a reason.

    I know poor thing that was a few too many syllables for your comprehension, you sorry b_____

  28. Assuming only that the US military will modify requirements as needed to keep the canon fodder supply moving as has been the practice in the past. Have they decided to lower the recruitment age to 16 yet?

  29. Bob, they would have to lower the psychological age to 3 to be able to enlist you.

    BTW moron, you link said nothing about a dawn raid nor mentioned the word dawn.

    You are a liar and a moron.
