Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Israel Wants F-35s And F-15s

National Interest: Israel Wants to Have All the F-35s and the F-15s Money Can Buy

Now that is air power.

Israel has made three purchases of the F-35 in the past decade, 50 planes altogether, at $100-110 million per plane. Israel will have two squadrons of these aircraft by 2024. Lockheed Martin has supplied the air force with 14 of the planes so far, and the planned rate of supply in the future is six planes per year.

Israel’s Globes says the country will decide by this summer what type of fighters it will acquire using U.S. defense aid money.

The report says the air force is keen to buy both the F-15 and F-35 if there are no budget constraints.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: According to the above report Israel's budget for new planes is $11 billion.


  1. Of that $11 billion, how much is our funding via targeted foreign aid programs? Lucky Lockheed, huh? Talk about welfare.

  2. Israel receives money just like Egypt for signing the Camp David peace accords in 1979

    "$3.1 billion in Foreign Military Financing, of which $815.3 million is for off-shore procurement;"

    Get rid of Israel's military aid if & only if (iff) you get rid of Egypt's military aid.

    In part you can blame Carter. He is a Democrat and of course he used money. To be fair to get a deal done there was going to have to be a sweetener. For how long or for how much a person may question.

    Israel is a much better ally than Egypt. In Israel I can walk into a Jewish holy place and not be murdered. Not so much in Egypt.

  3. Those are 3 periods for 3 complete sentences expressing 3 of Bob's complete thoughts.

  4. Egypt doesn't meddle in our elections.

  5. We have meddled in Israeli elections. See Bill (The Rapist) Clinton and Barak Obama.

    Also, Egypt does meddle in our elections and far beyond that. They have been at it far, far longer.

    1. Egypt would be lucky to figure out where the U. S ends and Canada begins lol

  6. Fazman,

    Do you think they care? They would carve it all up and rename it anyway.
