Saturday, August 31, 2019

Tweets For Today


  1. Joe Biden on Migrant Detention Centers: ‘Close Them Down!’

    Democrat front runner agrees with Wallstreet Journal editorial board


    Wonder how much they paid Slow Joe


  2. Violent Leftist Hurls Molotov Cocktail into Immigration Office – Second Molotov Attack by Unhinged Leftist on DHS Office in Two Months

    Violent Leftist? Is there any other kind?

    The ones not currently violent are just biding their time, much as a surfer waits for his set.

  3. "Violent Leftist Hurls Molotov Cocktail into Immigration Office – Second Molotov Attack by Unhinged Leftist on DHS Office in Two Months"

    "Authorities are protecting the woman’s name for some reason."


  4. Democrat Defends Notorious Somali Terror Group on Twitter

    Must be defending their right to kill hundreds of people with VBIEDS.

    Who says liberals are not open minded?

  5. From a MSLSD article listed by the parrot

    Bob Kuylen, vice president of the North Dakota Farmer’s Union, says he lost $400,000 because of Pres. Trump's trade war with China. He says farmers have "pretty much lost all of our markets since Trump took over."

    Another article from AG Web

    "Japan is one of the US's best agricultural trade partners. Over the past decade Japan has been the top destination for US corn and wheat exports and in the top 3 for soybeans. In fact, the US dominated Japanese corn imports last year. "

    Do you trust agweb or MSLSD more?

    Is parrot saying that Japan is not a market?

    The only problem I might have is how fast Trump ramped up. I blame mot of that on the Democrats. They are have been hamstringing Trump with the RussiaHoax4eva

    Demofucks are stupid. They all need rubber rooms and tranqs.


  6. Tomi Lahren's America-Themed Clothing Line Isn't Made in America

    Parrot knows as much about the garment industry as he knows about numbers. He always runs to his accountant when he see a number!

  7. Parrot complains about any conservative that has stuff not made in America and then he buys stuff from liberal companies that are not made in America.

    It is no problemo whatsoever, because Parrot cannot be called a hypocrite. He has not standards so a charge of hypocrite will never stick.

  8. Saturday Schadenfreude: Trump-hating MSNBC host has fifth show in a row cancelled

    I guess even some liberals are getting tired of eating shit shoveled by MSLSD.


    People who take training on records retention every year:

    1) Military
    2) Federal employees
    3) Employees of big corporations

    4) Small company employees(?)

    People who have never worried or cared about records retention law

    A) People on Welfare
    B) College professor putzes

    Now you can see why groups (A) & (B) are not concerned with Comey, the villain, breaking the law. They had no idea there was a law.

    Unequal Justice

    If only Arthur Anderson had hired Comey!
