Monday, September 30, 2019

CIA Whistleblower's Lawyer: '60 Minutes' Federal Protection Story Is False

Politico: Whistleblower's attorney says '60 Minutes' misinterpreted letter in federal protection report

An attorney for the whistleblower in the Trump-Ukraine scandal said Sunday that CBS’ “60 Minutes” had “completely misinterpreted” a document from his legal group, after the news outlet tweeted that the whistleblower was now under federal protection.

On Sunday night, CBS wrote on Twitter: “‘60 Minutes’ has obtained a letter that indicates the government whistleblower who set off the impeachment inquiry of President Trump is under federal protection because they fear for their safety.”

Two hours later, following significant reaction to the report, Attorney Mark Zaid responded: “NEWS ALERT: 60 Minutes completely misinterpreted contents of our letter, which is now published online.”

Read more ....

Update #1: Whistleblower attorney says '60 Minutes' 'misinterpreted' key letter -- FOX News
Update #2: CIA Whistleblower's Attorney: '60 Minutes' Federal Protection Story Is Fake News -- Zero Hedge

WNU Editor: Last night the main stream media carried the story that the Ukraine whistle-blower feared that his life was in danger, and that he needed federal protection .... Ukraine Whistle-Blower Now Under Federal Protection (September 29, 2019). Now the lawyer for this whistle-blower is saying that CBS and the other major networks made this all up. That they "completely misinterpreted" a legal document from his his legal group. Sighhh .... another example of Fake News.


  1. When has so much of the news media been so inaccurate, so selective with details, so biased?

  2. A spokesperson for CBS said in a statement: "60 Minutes stands by its sources and reporting on the whistle-blower. "

    However, Politico's Natasha Bertrand notes, the letter does state, "[W]e appreciate your office’s support thus far to activate appropriate resources to ensure their safety."

  3. Trump blew up the Democrat's strategy. They expected him to stonewall to protect presidential privilege. They had intended to run on Trump's hiding something all week.

    The Democrats wanted the 'appearance' of impropriety and then hand that off to their allies in the media (90% of the media).

    So The Dems had a quick huddle and decided to come up with the physical safety angle to keep their story/their lie at a fever pitch.

  4. Ugh, this whole episode is embarrassing, but it occurs to me that this may be the end of the end; not the beginning of the end or the end but something that propels the Dem party to rupture. Kind of like Rapture isn't it!?

  5. How about we get some public testimony from Mr.X. That might be very interesting, nah the Dems say they got it in the bag. Which means they shouldn't mind at all, after all what did they say a year ago, another couple of weeks doesn't hurt when you're looking for the "truth".
    PS. Congress goes into recess, I wonder how many Dems really are going back to their districts to talk to the people.

  6. @Roger 2:06

    During the world wars.

  7. Bad news

    "Horowitz is expected to release his report on FISA abuse within the next couple of weeks but without indictments, the reports are just hot air."

    Too many people are Democrats and part of the crime syndicate or afraid of them.

    "DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz refused to really dig into the infamous June 2016 meeting between Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch which took place on the tarmac of Phoenix International Airport."

    IG Horowitz, the attack Chihuahua, needs to be replaced.
