Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Narrative To Downplay The Ukraine Phone Call Transcript Has Begun

CNS: Clapper: Even If We Get a Transcript of Ukraine Phone Call, Can We Be Sure It's Accurate?:

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told CNN Monday night that getting a transcript of President Trump's July phone call with the new Ukraine president "may not be such a great thing."

"You know, I hate to suggest this, but it's crossed my mind that even if we got a transcript, well, can we be assured that's actually what was said? So getting a transcript may not be such a great thing, either."

Read more ....

Update: Protocol suggests Trump's promised transcript of Ukraine call unlikely to be verbatim (Reuters)

WNU Editor: It is interesting to watch the above video with Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. He is openly wondering if the White House is setting up the Democrats to be embarrassed. I also watched White House Deputy Press Secretary J. Hogan Gidley being interviewed this evening, who admitted that he has already seen the transcript of this phone call, and that it will reveal nothing. This probably explains why the Democrats are now shifting their focus to the whistle-blower himself and his testimony.

Update #2: The White House will be releasing the whistle-blower complaint and the Inspector General report .... White House preparing to release whistleblower complaint to Congress (Politico). This whistle-blower still wants to testify to Congress. But since his complaint is based on a conversation that he only heard second hand, and with the transcript being released anyway, it is a mystery to me on what can he now provide to this discussion.


  1. Clapper is already spreading fog. Judging by his reputation after being exposed as a man[?] with a forked tongue...we now have weasel speak from the prior administration. An administration that is seen as the 7 watt refrigerator bulb of honesty.


  2. "This probably explains why the Democrats are now shifting their focus to the whistle-blower himself and his testimony."

    So the Dim-o-crats wants a 2nd or 3rd level player take one for team. They want to hang him out to dry.

    Perhaps people will stop working for such corrupt masters.

    It is questionable whether we should nuke the guy to the fullest extent of the law or to bring him, offer him asylum, and see how many Dim-o-rats we can get.

    It has been 2 years 10 months and 2 weeks and the damn Democraps are still at it. Next week it will be something else. Next months something else as well.

    This in effect steals the votes of American voters.

    Deuteronomy 19:16-21
    16 If a malicious witness takes the stand to accuse someone of a crime, 17 the two people involved in the dispute must stand in the presence of the Lord before the priests and the judges who are in office at the time. 18 The judges must make a thorough investigation, and if the witness proves to be a liar, giving false testimony against a fellow Israelite, 19 then do to the false witness as that witness intended to do to the other party.

    If they want to accuse Trump of treason and they bear false witness. then let us convict them of treason and ...


  3. "Federal Judge Tosses Conviction Against General Flynn’s Former Associate Bijan Rafiekian – ‘Govt Failed to Offer Substantial Evidence’

    And if Flynn's conviction is tossed Mueller will have had?

    Having convictions tossed is par for the course for Mueller.


  4. "BOOM! Inspector General Found That Anti-Trump ‘Whistleblower” Has Political Bias in Favor of Rival Candidate of Trump (VIDEO)"


  5. "Surprise! After Trump Authorizes Release of Ukraine Phone Transcript, New Report of “Multiple Allegations” by Whistleblower"

    Screw the whistle blower. He needs supermax for life. He figures if he can just double down and stick this out, he'll still end up a Democrat hero.

    This won't stop until we get Brennan, Clapper and the lot of them.

  6. Recall that Nixon released tapes etc and they were not the same as what Congress then got hold of
    not to worry: the whistleblower has yet to be heard but I believe he will be, soon. That, and only that, will clear the fog and speculation...all other statements at this point are speculation and biased views

  7. do you reallyu think that the White House keeps a complete trnscript of each call made? you need to do some research if you believe so. Notes are kept. by whom? how? thus what might get released is hardly a full transcript or anything close to one

  8. There are complete transcripts of the Rush Limbaugh show going back about 2 decades.

    If he can do it I am sure the Bush, Obama and Trump White Houses can do it.

    Anyway thanks for the heads up. Now we know how you the Democrats will keep this media circus going.

    Democrats are going to get wiped in the elections. It is 13 months out and it feels like they are less than 3 months away. I have to have 6 full time jobs. Five of them are to keep up with the latest Democrat Bullshit and 1 is my real job to put bread on the table.

    Democrats are going down.

    Miss Nancy can retire to her billionaire lifestyle, let Coca Cola give her stock deals, and hide behind her WALLS of her winery like a Roman senator.
