Thursday, September 26, 2019

Who Is The Whistleblower In The Trump-Ukraine Scandal?

USA Today: What we know about the whistleblower in the Trump Ukraine scandal and an 'urgent' complaint

WASHINGTON – A whistleblower’s “urgent” concerns about a national security issue was made public Thursday after initial efforts by the Trump administration to block its transmission to Congress.

The House and Senate intelligence committees reviewed the complaint this week, more than a month after it was filed.

Here’s how the process unfolded.

Who is the whistleblower?

We don’t know much about the identify, including whether the person is male or female. The whistleblower is described as an individual in the intelligence community. The statute gives protection to an employee, detailee or contractor in the community who wants to disclose certain information to Congress.

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WNU Editor: We learned this morning during the House hearing with Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire that the whistle-blower is a "he". We also know that he wants to maintain his anonymity. I say good luck on that. His complaint is the basis now for an impeachment inquiry on the President of the United States. You have to be foolish to think that your identity will be kept secret if you accuse the President of criminally interfering in an opponents Presidential bid. My prediction. His name is going to be eventually leaked out.


  1. DNI just said that the most urgent threat America faces is not a military strike from a foreign nation but an attempt to undermine the integrity of our election system. Let that sink in.


  2. It did sink in.

    Undermining the integrity of our election system is what the Democrat Party did in 2016 working with Fusion GPS, numerous government employees like Bruce Ohr, ex-spooks like Christopher Steele (Can you ever be an ex spook?), and many others.

    Democrats are evil.

    The banality of evil is proof that unthinking or lockstep voters of the Democrat part are evil.

    See Hannah Arendt.

  3. WNU Editor; THIS IS NOT THE ONLY NEWS OF THE DAY!! Come on man, why propagate this crap!?

  4. This leaker is probably being protected - for now. Until his usefulness dwindles. Otherwise his identity would have been leaked a long time ago. When the Dems decide he's a liability, we'll know his whole life story.

    Whoever this stooge is, I bet he's now regretting doing the bidding of his handlers on the intel committee. Because he's about to be thrown under the bus.

    And now we learn that's he's a CIA officer attached to the White House. In other words another case of intel agencies spying on President Trump.


