Thursday, October 31, 2019

Former CIA Director John McLaughlin: ‘Thank God for the Deep State’

WNU Editor: So much for the media narrative that the Deep State is just a "conspiracy theory". This video is going to be a keeper.


  1. Mark Levin covered how those transcripts are made by government employees (mil or state department employees).

    I guess Vindman is smarter than all the others.

    We dive into the weeds because hard leftists deny, deny, deny and then when they can no longer deny they move on.

  2. Editor what are you trying to insinuate. Are we watching the same tape. When he says thank God for the deep state and everybody laughs because they know it’s a joke. And then he goes on to tell you that these people are dedicated people. Dedicated to tell the truth. And you try to say that this is about the deep state and it’s somebody telling you that it’s real. This is somebody trying to tell you that there are people willing to tell the truth and that is their job. Period!

    1. Who is telling the truth on the left; Can you name any?

  3. What happened to the US "elite" on the left? They used to be decent. Not very smart, but at least not utterly embarrassing... Today the intellectual left is nearly gone and what's left is a laughing stock to the intellectual right. Name the best guy or girl on the left when it comes to smarts. You can't. All of them have utterly embarrassed themselves. Even Cornel West - who many like - looked like a retard when debating that hot chick on the right (from turning point usa forgot her name...if she stays in politics she might be the first African American female president). And he was 30 years her senior. We see the collapse of the Democrat party but unfortunately unless we clean up the universities and schools this leftist filth of race and sex card playing and hyper political divisive correctness will stay with us for a long long time. And keep in mind. .I come from a leftist ivy league (top 5 world wide)..and I too was indoctrinated. .all of it. .global warming. .white people are bad. .other countries are so much wiser etc etc it is not in the curriculum (or only minute amounts) but say you agree with Trump and you will be treated like an outcast,perhaps even downgraded if the professor finds out. What happens in the US is a mild Form of fascism, very real fascism. Only bullying and a few inured people so far but the unchecked leftis very very dangerous and in top pitch is against each other and if you let them have more power they will make you modern slaves .when they control what you read and see via media (and are allowed to speak in public or at work) you are a slave..don't be fooled. And you only get a paycheck as long as you don't speak out. Speak out and people like Feed Lapides come after you and SJWs and cancel culture and mobs. Do you want that kind of America?

  4. Blackdog
    He is not joking. He is defending.
    Inspector General Horowitz will soon be releasing his report detailing the role that senior officials in the intelligence community played in helping the FBI get the FISA warrants to spy on Trump campaign workers like Carter Page. We already know what Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division Peter Strzok did. He is not the only one. Let us see then how dedicated these people really are when it comes to telling the truth.

  5. The "deep state" used to be what the conservatives called which they could not understand or something which like cults, things from outer space etc explained what was happening when they could not accept reality and the left has used the term to refer basically to career people working in our national govt., be they intel or other professional positions....our editor thus seems to want to dismiss the term as something simply used by those left of center. THAT IS NOT WHAT THE CURRENT USE OF THE WORD IS MEANT TO CONVEY

  6. 7:40 AM aka Parrot

    Always desires to tell us what the correct way of thinking by screaming his posts in all bold or all cap.

    The failure of various Chinese dynasties over the millenia has been blamed on the deep state. No matter the characteristics of the emperor over time they all acted the same way, because they became more and more influenced by the deep state. Usually the 1st emperor was an outside, willing to do battle and energetic. Subsequent heir and emperors were judge too important to risk in battle and cocooned. The subesequent emperors were the opposite of commonsense, worldly or energetic. And so each dynasty failed.

    Parrots never poke their beak up from the sheet of music provided to them by the hard left.

  7. Read up on China and the Mandarins (aka the Deep State). Historians have said the deep state caused many problems in China through thousands of years.

  8. The Deep State! name it. give us names. give us organizations...and then give us proof of what they are doing where, when, how, and why

  9. In the United States, the term "deep state" is used to describe a conspiracy theory[1][2][3][4][5] which suggests that collusion and cronyism exist within the US political system and constitute a hidden government within the legitimately elected government.[6][7][8][9][10] Some people believe that there is "a hybrid association of elements of government and parts of top-level finance and industry that is effectively able to govern the United States without reference to the consent of the governed as expressed through the formal political process",[11] whereas others consider the deep state to encompass corruption prevalent among career politicians and civil servants.[12]

    The term was originally coined to refer to a relatively invisible state apparatus in Turkey "composed of high-level elements within the intelligence services, military, security, judiciary, and organized crime" and similar alleged networks in other countries including Egypt, Ukraine, Spain, Colombia, Italy, Israel, and many others.[12]

  10. the committee in the House bring charges against Trump for impeachment. You will see that truth when their work goes public and then I dare you to tell us it is not true

  11. Lmfao just like collusion of Russia? You'll see the truth ������

  12. sneer on. why not wait for public hearings and then sneer? that way, you will have something other than a feeling in your groin to go on
