Friday, January 31, 2020

Key Republican Senator Says He Will Oppose New Witnesses On President Trump's Impeachment Trial

Politico: Sen. Lamar Alexander to oppose new witnesses in trial, signaling vote likely to be defeated

Mitch McConnell and the GOP Senate could get Trump acquitted by Friday.

Sen. Lamar Alexander announced he will vote against a motion to call witnesses in President Donald Trump's impeachment trial, almost certainly ensuring the vote fails and paving the way for a speedy end to the trial.

"I worked with other senators to make sure that we have the right to ask for more documents and witnesses, but there is no need for more evidence to prove something that has already been proven and that does not meet the United States Constitution's high bar for an impeachable offense," Alexander said in a statement.

Senate Democrats need four Republicans to join them to win the witness vote, and the retiring Tennessee Republican was considered a key swing vote they might be able to win over.

The Senate will hold the vote on witnesses Friday afternoon and could move to acquit Trump from the impeachment charges later that night.

Read more ....

Update #1: Day in Impeachment: Lamar Alexandar Says He’ll Vote Against Witnesses (The New York Times)
Update #2: GOP Sen. Lamar Alexander, a key impeachment swing vote, says he will vote against witnesses (NBC News)

WNU Editor: Republican Senator Collins has said that she will vote for witnesses. I can only assume that Senator Romney will also vote for witnesses. But Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander's  announcement that he will not vote for witnesses means that this impeachment trial will now probably end, and President Trump will be acquitted in a Senate vote later tonight.


  1. a refusal to have witnesses is an implied verdict of guilt...the President will have a tarnished record in history from this time on

  2. Anon you are so gay! OMG I'm homophobic!!

  3. What bit of the proceedings I did watch reminded me of the movie, "Idiocracy." "Fat" Jerry Nadler from the "House of Representin'" was an embarassment behind the podium, and by the end of yesterday Adam Schiff's hair (what's left of it) was coming unglued and sticking up in the air.

    Sadly, for all this vituperation I don't think the democrats will even get any good campaign footage from these clowns. But Trump surely has the substance for some good commercials.

    Tarnished in history? I highly doubt it. Most people I know view this as a partisan abuse.

    Trump will wear his indictment by this crowd and his subsequent victory as a badge of honor.

  4. BUSTED: Joe Biden Argued Against Witnesses in 1999 Impeachment Trial Memo

    Obviously, Anon 7:39 is a 3 sheets to the wind loon.

    The Democrats had all of the fall of 2019 to call witnesses that they wanted. They did not. They blocked Republican witnesses.

    Then they said they had to hurry up, because it was so urgent. Then they sat on the impeachment for 32 days (over a month). We know they wanted to hang Trump out to dry over Christmas for the bad press. That is all.

    Liberalism is a mental disorder.

    Libs are degenerates.

  5. Was going to mention that anon 9:39. They had their chance with the house to get all the witnesses together. Whats next I wonder? North Korea collusion, Taxes, back to the border crisis I guess.

  6. Dems are keeping up the pressure.

    - They are pushing the John Bolton "bombshell"
    - They are pushing the Carroll rape allegation.

    If whatever scheme they have fails or peters out, they make up a new allegation or recycle an old one.

    People have to make a living. They have to update their skills. We do not want to spend time with Democrat BULLSHIT! Having to spend time in political debate, when you should not have to makes a person mean. Expect Dems to be voted out and prosecuted.

  7. The President has kept all potential witnesses and documents from the hands of the House investigating him. Now the Senate is keeping the same documents and witnesses from appearing...if you believe the historical record will not show that, you do not know much about historians. If you do not know how A. Johnson got away without being let go, then you need to read up.
    No, Andy. You may not be gay but simply a total asshole, as shown time after time in your juvenile comments

  8. Ah, the Big LIE posted by a Notorious Asshole (Anon 2:58).

    "The President has kept all potential witnesses and documents from the hands of the House investigating him. Now the Senate is keeping the same documents and witnesses from appearing.."

    Repeat it enough times and the notorious Asshole believes it.

    Point_______: Democrats did not get their witnesses.

    Counterpoint: The Democrats could have gone to court to get witnesses. They refused.

    Point_______: Democrats said this was so urgent, so "We 'wushed' it!"

    Counterpoint: Democrats rushed it and then sat on it for 32 days.

    Point_______: Democrats: "We did not get our witnesses! Wah Wah!"

    Counterpoint: Democrats refused to let Republicans call witnesses in the House committees.
    ___________: So fuck off asshole Democrats!

  9. anon/moron
    the Dems did not go to court because it would be a delay all the way up to the (controlled) supreme court, and that would be after the is hardly a sufficient comment in and of itself

  10. A Senate vote to end President Donald Trump’s impeachment proceedings without calling witnesses should be considered “half a trial,” the president’s former chief of staff John Kelly said Friday.

    “In my view, they kind of leave themselves open to a lot of criticism,” Kelly said in an interview with NJ Advance Media in advance of his Feb. 12 appearance at Drew University’s Drew Forum speaker series at the Mayo Performing Arts Center in Morristown.

    “It seems it was half a trial,” Kelly said.

  11. A word to the wise.

    Scratch that Anon 2:58 is somewhere below an imbecile, idiot, or moron in IQ.

    A word to someone incredibly stupid.

    Flynn is renouncing his guilty plea. Of course the retards amongst us will rejoin with why did he plead guilty in the 1st place if he wasn't. His plea was for all intents and purposes an Alford plea. So STFU. This is due to the FISA warrant abuse. The deep state is still covering for the assholes (They have a lot in common with you). But the truth came out and he might just be able to drop his plea. The judge has his index finger in the air. The judge is treading water. waiting. The judge is waiting to see the course of events THE SWAMP. Which way things will go on the political (war by other means) battlefield. So he postponed sentencing.

    So the prosecutors being uncertain as to the outcome have proffered an olive branch. They are trying to ensure victory now that they have a weakened position. Flynn's lawyer will not let Flynn quit now. She wants to be famous and go down in the history books.

    WTF are you going to do and how are you going to hold you blue head up when Flynn is has the charges against him dropped?

    G ahead. Be a dumbass. Make a brave noise.

  12. the Dems did not go to court because it would be a delay all the way up to the (controlled) supreme court,

    SCOTUS has been known to move up cases ahead of other for really important questions.

    You are right though. SCOTUS is controlled. The Democrats have something on Roberts. This was shown by Roberts flip flip on Obamacare at in the last day when he rewrote the judicial opinion.

    BTW Hospitals in the socialist NHS have rats in hospitals. Obama and other retards want to bring that here.

  13. Anon 2:2:58 4:05) aka the sub-morn

    "Nadler dismisses GOP witness requests" - The Hill

    "Schiff signals he will reject GOP 'sham' witness requests" - Washington Examiner


  14. Earth to Anon

    Earth to Anon

    Come in Anon

    Pull your head out of you ass and breath oxygen!

    SCOTUS and other courts fast track important cases. So your argument is disingenuous and a lie.

    Broadcasters Want To Fast-Forward To Supreme Court Decision On Aereo

    "Two fast-tracked court cases could change the political face of Pennsylvania" - whyy.ORG


  15. "Limiting Senate inquiry blah blah Blah "- Deaf, Dumb and Blind Squirrel

    Limiting senate inquiry is against the founders?

    What about limiting inquiry by The House of Representatives? Is that okay

    Pro Tip The House is suppose to investigate and make a case. The Senate is to judge.

    Squirrel do you often get the functions of the Senate and House of Representative confused?

    When was the last time you took a US Constitution test?

    Better yet,

    When was the last time you took a test to see, if you were demented?

  16. Hey Anon 2:58 ,bite me!! Long live the God Emperor!!!! Trump will be responsible for the accord between Ethiopia,Egypt and Sudan to avoid war over Hydro-dam . Trump a man of peace!

  17. Oh well Andy, I guess Anon 2:58 went back to looking up smut.
