Friday, January 24, 2020

Were The Alarmists Wrong About The Soleimani Strike?

An Iranian holds a picture of General Qasem Soleimani who was killed in an air strike at Baghdad airport in Tehran, Iran, January 4, 2020. (Nazanin Tabatabaee/West Asia News Agency via Reuters)

Hassan Hassan, NRO: Alarmists Were Wrong about the Soleimani Strike

Tehran’s response to it shows that the current U.S. policy toward Iran is working.

Two weeks ago, the United States seemed on the brink of starting another war in the Middle East after a drone strike killed Iran’s most notorious spymaster, Qasem Soleimani, as he departed an international airport in Baghdad. The shadowy general, in charge of the Iranian equivalent of the CIA, was one of the most effective operatives in the Middle East’s history. He built a sprawling army of proxy militias throughout the region and helped expand Tehran’s dominance in nearby countries.

But the dust has now settled, and none of the doomsday scenarios that so many in the media warned about has come to pass. It is true that Iran launched a missile attack into U.S. bases in Iraq, but the attack was merely symbolic. As Iraqi officials revealed the following day, Iran had informed them of an imminent attack on U.S. bases, a message that the Iraqis promptly and predictably passed on to the Americans. No fatalities were recorded, but the Iranian regime still told its followers that dozens if not hundreds of Americans were killed as a result of the retaliation.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: It is still too early to come to the conclusion that nothing more will come from the Soleimani strike. If everything was alright, we would not be hearing US military announcements like this one .... U.S. Central Command Commander: U.S. Military To Maintain Expanded Mideast Presence (January 23, 2020).


  1. This gives Trump an out to changing his mind.

  2. "The Death Spiral of the Islamic Republic"

    "The hit on Soleimani was so well-organized, leading terrorists ran for the hills."

    Best Hit EVUH!

    And it was done by the Donald!



  3. Americans are good at that kind of stuff. Many believe the hit on JFK was the best ever. Even his VP, Lyndon B. Johnson, had to be searched for so he could be sworn in. He was so afraid he was next he went into hiding, as the story went at the time.


  4. I would think the Persians will do whatever they can to get revenge over time. But...they will not be overt about it. A fine line to walk with DJT in office and a restive and growing younger population reluctant to some extent to die for the moo-lahs.
    As the Brits say...a sticky wicket.

  5. Big mistake, two hundred thousand protested regime and that is what trump wanted with sanctions.
    Now nation soli fly supports government
    Huge tactical blunder
    And trumpians will now blabber otherwis e but facts are facts

  6. 12:33 (a.k.a. Goebbels' child)

    People were forced to march for the regime. There are more people marching against the regime than for it.

    There have been to Iranian Olympic competitors that defected from the Ayatollah's regime.

    History will not be kind to you.
