Saturday, February 29, 2020

President Trump Nominates Congressman John Ratcliffe To Be Director Of National Intelligence For A Second Time

NBC: Trump nominates Rep. John Ratcliffe to be intel chief — again

Trump wanted the Texas congressman as director of national intelligence in 2019 but backed off when Ratcliffe was shown to have inflated his resume.

WASHINGTON — In what amounts to a direct challenge to Senate Republicans, President Donald Trump announced Friday that his pick to head the intelligence community is the same Republican congressman whose previous bid for the job collapsed amid revelations he misrepresented his background.

Trump tweeted that he was nominating Rep. John Ratcliffe of Texas to be the director of national intelligence, calling the former federal prosecutor "an outstanding man of great talent."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Democrats will oppose his nomination .... Pelosi blasts Trump pick: He has shown 'clear disrespect' for intel community (The Hill). More here .... Schumer urges GOP to oppose Trump's intel pick (The Hill).

More News On President Trump Nominating Congressman John Ratcliffe To Be The Director Of National Intelligence

Trump picks Ratcliffe as top intelligence official, again -- AP
Trump again nominates Congressman Ratcliffe as his intelligence director -- Reuters
Trump again taps Ratcliffe to serve as intelligence chief -- The Hill
Trump nominates Congressman John Ratcliffe to be director of national intelligence -- CBS
Trump says he will nominate Rep. John Ratcliffe to be director of national intelligence -- CNN
Trump nominates John Ratcliffe for top intelligence post -- FOX News
Trump nominates Rep. John Ratcliffe as Director of National Intelligence -- USA Today


  1. There is talk this maybe a ruse to keep Grenell in there to clean house as Ratcliffe's nomination is dragged out in the Senate. If it is bravo.

  2. Ratcliffe has not been confirmed before. But of he had the Democrats would still drag it out.

    It is like this. If you are on the Atlantic Coast on the beach watching the sun come up alongside a Democrat and say the "The sun is coming up." The Democrat would say "No, it is not!" and call you a racist, sexist, & homophobe.

    Other than that what Stephen said.

  3. anon: utter nonsense...who is hold the hundreds of bills passed to the Senate and left not even being brought up? you are full of it and are either lie or are plain stupid

  4. "anon: utter nonsense..." - Whiner

    One of those bills sitting is a "Net Neutrality" bill.

    Barack Insane Obama had net neutrality. Trump got rid of it. People ...well strike that I don't think you can call inchoate blobs of protoplasm, people... said that internet speed would slow down. Speeds a re double now. So where is your fucking prediction you fruit?

    If this was the planet of Geta, your sperm would be thrown out of the sperm bank. Honestly you have one humdinger of a bad prediction after another.

    The average internet speed has risen 23% in a year

    1) So you make a claim.
    2) I look it up.
    3) I refute it.
    4) I provide documentation and
    5) you move on like bad fart rising seeking the heavens.

    We know why you significant other approves of your addiction. It is so you will not be bothering the with conversation et al.

    U.S. internet speeds rose nearly 40 percent this year


  5. Ajit Pai didn’t break the interne

    There should be an amber alert, whenever a Fredo opines, because it is apparent their have lost their minds.

    "In fact, US per capita internet traffic of 120.2 gigabytes per month leads the world. It is:

    One-third (33 percent) more than the next best, South Korea;
    Nearly three times that of Japan (42.6 percent);
    Nearly three times that of Western Europe (43.8 percent); and
    Seven times the global average (16.6 percent)."

    "Let's be like other countries" - Doofus Face
