Saturday, February 29, 2020

US And Taliban Signs Historic Deal To End The War In Afghanistan. All American Troops Will Leave Within 14 Months

Daily Mail: US and Taliban sign peace deal that will send ALL American troops home in 14 months and pave way to end of 18-year Afghanistan war

* Pompeo was on hand for signing of the historic peace deal with the Taliban on Saturday in Doha, Qatar
* Deal paves the way for a full US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in 14 months if conditions are met
* Taliban agrees to steps to ensure Afghanistan doesn't once again become a safe-haven for terrorists
* America has been at war in Afghanistan for 18 years since invasion after the 9/11 terror attacks
* Announcement of peace deal came after a partial week-long truce between the parties

The United States and the Taliban have signed a peace agreement aimed at ending the 18-year war in Afghanistan, America's longest.

The signing could help President Donald Trump fulfill a key campaign promise to extract America from its 'endless wars.'

The deal was signed on Saturday in the Qatari capital Doha by U.S. special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad and Taliban political chief Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was on hand to witness the ceremony.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Soviet Union signed a similar agreement with the Mujaheddin over 30 years ago. The Mujaheddin broke it within a year. I expect the same to happen with this agreement. But this time I am not sure if The Taliban have the means to conquer the country as the Mujaheddin did 30 years ago. Afghanistan is a different country now, and many in the country do not like the Taliban.

More News On the US And Taliban Signing A Historic Deal To End The War In Afghanistan

US, Taliban sign deal aimed at ending war in Afghanistan -- AP
U.S.-Taliban sign historic troop withdrawal deal in Doha -- Reuters
US, Taliban sign landmark peace deal set to end 18 years of conflict in Afghanistan -- France 24
US and Taliban sign historic deal to end Afghan conflict -- DW
US-Taliban sign historic troop withdrawal deal in Doha that could end 18-year war -- ABC News Online
Afghan conflict: US and Taliban sign deal to end 18-year war -- BBC
US and Taliban sign peace agreement aimed at ending Afghanistan war -- The Guardian
Taliban sign landmark agreement in bid to end America's longest war -- NBC
U.S. Strikes Deal With Taliban to Withdraw Troops From Afghanistan -- The New York Times
Afghanistan peace deal: US, Taliban sign peace deal in Doha - The - The Washington Post -- Washington Post
US signs historic peace deal with Taliban, Pompeo strikes cautious tone -- FOX News
US and Taliban sign historic agreement -- CNN
U.S. Signs Peace Deal With Taliban After Nearly 2 Decades Of War In Afghanistan -- NPR
U.S., Taliban sign historic peace deal -- UPI
All U.S. troops to withdraw from Afghanistan under peace deal -- Politico
Afghanistan's Taliban, US sign peace deal -- Al Jazeera
US and Taliban ink Afghanistan peace agreement, set conditions for troop withdrawal -- RT
Factbox: Reactions to impending signing of U.S. troop withdrawal deal with Taliban -- Reuters


  1. Editor,

    Thank you for posting on this. It is things like this why I read your blog, essentially to get coverage from angles along with your analysis that generally isn't present in the mainstream media. While I understand why you have had to cover the COVID-19 hoax, in my considered opinion this is MUCH more important.

    "Afghanistan is a different country now...," actually I think every country in the world today is a different country than it was 30 years ago. No one is the same person today that they were two years ago let alone 30 years ago. The same dynamic will likely apply to countries. I can say emphatically that America is not the same country today that it was thirty years ago.

    Additionally I must say that have learned much from your blog, your editor analysis, and from reading and discussing the articles in the comment threads. As a result of this, I have had to adjust my views on a number of things over the years. As has been said, always challenge your preconceived notions lest they challenge you.

    Back in early 2003 I concluded that unless we cut off the supply from Pakistan we were never going to be able to get a handle on this situation and we needed to leave. Obviously we were not and are not going to invade a nuclear armed power. As such, the time to leave would have been right then. Additionally, at that time, I thought if the Soviet Union couldn't win in Afghanistan it was the height of hubris to think we could. In a way, its a shame that it has taken over seventeen years since that time to have leadership that has figured this out. As has been said, better late than never.

    We shall see how this goes. If all goes well, it will be a problem for the Taliban to worry about as to whether or not they can take over the country or not. While there certainly is a risk that Al Qaeda or others could gain a foothold leading to the possibility of another 911 type attack, I am confident that with sensible immigration policies combined with proper border security along with continued development of our own energy resources the risks associated with this can be greatly mitigated. In other words, to use an analogy, don't go around the world knocking over bee hives for no good reasons!! As one of our founding fathers put it, John Adams I think, America cannot go through the world looking for monsters to slay.

    In retrospect, perhaps the COVID-19 hoax served as a useful distraction allowing a window of opportunity to get this done. Had the media and Trump critics not been focused on this I see little doubt that they would have nit picked ever aspect of any agreement perhaps leaving the Taliban open to believing POTUS and his team are weak meaning they might try and hold out for a better deal. By locking this in now it appears to me as though the Taliban is expecting Trump to be reelected and is positioning themselves accordingly. Otherwise I think they would have held off on this until after the election trying to see if they could get something better.

  2. Its a bad deal, the will break it and the fighting mess will continue.

  3. I agree with Stephen.

    Iran or Pakistan (Or Maybe Russian or China; or maybe some Taliban will do it gratis) will sponsor some group, faction or somebody to kill some American troops out of spite, to make Trump look bad and hopefully affect the American election, make their bones or something.

    American Troops can pull out and if they all pull put safely many Americans will be okay with it. If there are any helicopters or if more than a few soldiers die, then we have to stay.

    I say we should nuke it from orbit. It is the only way to be sure.

    Nuke them and their suppliers which is am list of countries from the smallest (Qatar) to the biggest.

    The amount of people, groups, and countries that complain about American intervention or Trump war-mongering (lying but making their bones anyway) is long. There will be scads of Democrat polluticians and Antifa trannies, who will cry, if Donald gets the US out, but does not stick a perfect 10

    Getting out of Afghanistan has many positive benefits. It will lead to further Iranian and Pakistani conflict. They say that Iran and Pakistan respect each other and their borders. Pakistanis are complete gentlemen as they butt fuck the Iranians over Baluchistan.

    Now most Americans do not know that the Paks are spreading Iranian cheeks. Mainly because the press rarely reports on it. It does not support one of their Democrat Party narratives. The Paks have their own Baluchi independence problem too, but they turn a semi blind eye to Baluchis hiding out in Pakistan occasionally crossing into Iran to light things up.

    But Iran and Pakistan have a respectful relationship you say. Just like the Americans and Pakistanis. But it is true. It is a respectful relationship. The Pakis are complete gentlemen. They don;t scream "BOHICA!". They could use lube though when the fuck the Iranians or Americans.


  4. Balochistan looks ready to blow, and when it does, it likely will spill over - Foreign Policy

    Insurgency in Balochistan - Wiki

    Iran's Sunni Baloch Extremists Operating from Bases in Pakistan Do you think the Pakistanis wear protection /raincoats when butt fucking the Iranians? Cutouts, deniability, etc?

  5. 1. if you are losing the game, change the rules
    2. quit and call it a victory
    3. 18 years and????
    4. cut your losses

  6. Tell Poster, someone, that Corona hoax today killed someone in Washington state...oh, he worries only about Russia. right

  7. Corona virus killed someone today, but flu killed more today.

    You know 1 in 6 cold are caused by the corona virus last year, the year before that and the year before that. It is not like this is new.

    What is new is that we increasingly have the facilities and test equipment to makes assays of what viruses and bacteria are floating out there. So we are seeing more. It is less of a black box. More is not necessarily happening.

    A 50 year old woman died in the state of Washington. Medical privacy and all that. We really do not need to know their name. What is of public interest is, if there were any underlying factors or co-morbidity.

    Did she have hypertension, type II diabetes, obese, etc. I am not going to get worked up over a 50 year old women, who was obese, diabetic, and had hypertension dying. Tell us what the facts are.

    A word to the wise. The election is 8 months away,. A lot can happen and will happen (like Slow Joe saying he is running for Senate or that he is in Hawaii when he is campaigning in Alaska.). Go for it try to ride this all the way to the general. Spring is in 3 weeks. The corona spread will subside, but you go for it lemming. Get along little doggie.

  8. China will fill the vacuum. They are welcome to it.
