Saturday, February 1, 2020

Watch This Time-Lapse of China Building a Coronavirus Hospital in Two Weeks

WNU Editor: It is amazing how fast things can be done when it is an emergency.


  1. I thought it was suppose to be up in a week. A week or 2 weeks, it still is amazing.

    I just wonder how many manufacturing defects there will be and how long the building will last. If it lasts as long as any mother building of the same design and has about the same number of defects, it tells you a lot about process and maybe what is value added and what is not. It tells a lot about other things such as political determination and ...

    1. Just like in wartime they could build a carrier in 3 months.


  2. chasrmartin nmp • 16 hours ago
    You know, a number of the "images" of new Hospital construction have turned out to be pictures of random construction projects. Why do believe believe those stories and not the medical data?
