Thursday, April 30, 2020

Picture Of The Day

Michael Neel, funeral director of All Veterans Funeral and Cremation, wearing full PPE, looks at the U.S. flag on the casket of George Trefren, a 90-year-old Korean War veteran who died of the coronavirus disease in a nursing home, in Denver, Colorado, April 23. REUTERS/Rick Wilking

WNU Editor: The above picture came from this photo-gallery .... World races to contain coronavirus pandemic (Reuters).


  1. Barack Obama Goes Golfing at Country Club the Day After Michelle Urged African Americans to Stay Home

    Obama did such wonderful work as a community organizer that he would never allow his daughter to date anyone from the South Side.


  2. "“Hi everybody, it’s Michelle Obama. Our communities are among the hardest hit by the coronavirus, and we’ve got to do everything we can ..."

    Everything except

    lower obesity
    lower hypertension
    lower diabetes

    quite shooting at each other so we can have a partial solution to the above ...

    stopping blaming whitey ...

    test for zinc deficiency ...

    Actually have Michelle Obama work for a living (Where is Michelle's law license? Where it at?)


  3. "Politico did not seem at all interested that Barack Obama was not staying at home to keep others safe."

    Ya think?

    The lying news rag that said Trump owed the Chinese billions.

  4. Search Results
    Web results

    Trump owes China lots and lots of money, complicating his ... › story ›

    6 days ago - Donald Trump may be telling Americans that "China will own the United States" if Joe Biden becomes president, but in fact China already pretty ...

    Trump owed tens of millions to Bank of China - POLITICO › trump-biden-china-debt-205475

    6 days ago - Donald Trump is warning “China will own the United States” if Joe Biden is elected president. Advertisement. But Trump himself has taken on ...

    Donald Trump's Debt to China | The New Yorker › news › our-columnists › donald...

    6 days ago - The Chinese financial investments that end up funding Trump's office buildings are the mirror image of the trade deficit that has cost the United ...

    Bank of China -- Trump Owes Millions for Building Loan ... › news › trump-owes-million...

    6 days ago - Financial records show that President Trump still owes the state-owned Bank of China millions from a $211 million loan.

  5. they golf where I live and keep a distance for safety
    why comment dumbn shit?

    et To President Trump, This Man Got $69 Million From New York For Ventilators — We may all be at home, but that hasn't stopped our reporters from breaking exclusive stories like this one. To help keep this news free, become a member and sign up for our newsletter, Outbreak Today.
    Discussion: Raw Story, Daily Kos, The Week, Gizmodo and New York Post

  6. BUSTED! Governor Pritzker Forces Illinois Residents into Endless Lockdown — Then Is Caught Flying His Wife and Kids to Florida


  7. Here's a state-by-state breakdown of where golf's allowed and where it isn't

    Dumbfuck, the politician, closed everything down and then gave his whole freaking family a get out of jail card.

    Typical liberal

    The article/comment was on what the Democrat governor was doing not what the golf courses in your area were doing.

  8. 69 million and?

    With everything else there is always "And the Rest of the story" That is the part, where we find out how dumb and mendacious you are.

    Did the guy steal 69 million? Yes. Did Trump loan it to him? No. You will not find Trump's name anywhere on the document. Will you find a government contracting officer's name on the document. Yes. Did that contracting officer do his due diligence I don't know yet. Will I find out from you of your posts? Probably not. The chances are slim to none that I will. You do not even know what a contracting officer is or how it works.

    The way I see it. They need to claw the money back. Then after a trial, they need to enact capital punishment.

    Your boy Cuomo asked for 30,000 ventilators. He got by with 5,600. He never need 30,000 or 10,000. So what is going to happen we are going to waste more than 69 million, because Cuomo and dumb fucks like you were fear mongering. All those ventilators that were overordered will be given away or thrown in the dumb. But hey, would a English major know anything about statistic or economics? Or good sense?

    So one evening my spouse is browsing the new and reads to me a story about a person on a ventilated and being intubated killed the, The tube cemented. Which makes me wonder about little asswipes like yourself that want to intubate every one that gets the sniffles.

    Rush Limbaugh a month ago was relating the dangers of being n a ventilator. Yes, ventialtors can save lives, but if you don't need it, then it is best to avoid it. You would not think a body would forget how to breath, but it does.

  9. RUSH LIMBAUGH (HOST): But I’m telling you, folks, I have — there’s so many red flags about things happening out there. This coronavirus, they’re just — all of this panic is just not warranted. This, I’m telling you, when I tell you — when I’ve told you that this virus is the common cold. When I said that, it was based on the number of cases. It’s also based on the kind of virus this is. Why do you think this is “COVID-19”? This is the 19th coronavirus. They’re not uncommon. Coronaviruses are respiratory cold and flu viruses. There is nothing about this, except where it came from, and the itinerant media panic that — you can’t blame people reacting the way they’re reacting, if they pay any, even scant attention to the media.

  10. Armed with all of that evidence, President Donald Trump spent the next week treating COVID-19 in much the same way that he had over the previous two months: he hosted large gatherings at Mar-a-Lago, went golfing, attended fundraisers, dispensed misinformation about the virus and flouted social distancing guidelines known to stem its spread. If his behavior was meant to be a model for Americans to follow, the message was clear — life could proceed as normal.

    Trump and his closest supporters now insist that he always understood the threat COVID-19 posed to the U.S., despite his repeated assurances that it was under control and less harmful than the flu. But perhaps the clearest indication of Trump’s dismissal of the threat the virus posed is an examination of how he spent the week leading up to Friday March 13, when he declared that the virus constituted a national emergency.
    Trump and Fauci March 9 in Orlando, Fla. PHOTO: EVAN VUCCI, AP, ILLUSTRATION: USA TODAY
    Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

    In an emergency, every day matters. Every week matters.

  11. What would that action have looked like? The answer is not that Trump should have micromanaged the crisis response—though that idea meshes with his own vision of the presidency, which tends to emphasize actions the president can take unilaterally. Perhaps the greatest power a president has is the power of the bureaucracy. By picking up on currents in his briefings and asking a few questions about them, a president can swing the great heft of the federal bureaucracy toward them.

    But Trump has long since decided that federal employees are part of a “deep state” determined to sink him, rather than the most powerful tool at his disposal. He is resistant to new information, demanding that events respond to him, rather than the other way around.

    The federal government is mighty enough that often a president can drive events, but viruses don’t work like that. In a pandemic, the president has to respond to events. Trump was too incurious and too paranoid to hear the warnings and do so.

  12. Oh look fumb ducker at 9:30 thinks it is so clever. I spent a good part of yesterday researching rhinovirus, acute respiratory disease, obesity etc.

    The same things like the lungs look glassy in the x-rays happens with rhinovirus too.

    That was in a healthy 55 year old woman. So she was not in any of the risk groups.

    So Rush is right. Like the common cold. In Switzerland they are letting school kids go back to school, because they are not at risk. So we are talking like the common cold.

  13. Parents were coming back from Australia, when this Corona 'pandemic' broke. On the flight back they were sitting next to a nurse who opined that the corona virus was just the common cold.

    When you have a cold, you do not visit people who are retirement age or older unless you are a Democrat like Cuomo.

    Now Cuomo (D) is a criminal. he put people with corona into nursing homes on purpose.

  14. So parrot or some shit took the Media Matters view as Gospel.

    You knew that they would. Have talking points memo will travel. The dude knows his catechism. He does not know much else, but he knows that.

    I mean this is not a dude that will ask about cell docking sites, lyosomes, how rhino, influenza or Corona are different.

    Nah, you give this turkey a sheet of music and "he good, man, he good".

  15. The orange man went because he could not have rallies and he botched the shit out of his two-hour bullshit sessions and his medical and science people had to fix what he drooled. Did you gargle with Clorox as your leader told you to do? Oh. He did not say gargle? google exact words then and follow directions, lemmings

  16. 1:25 still a stupid shit mother fucker. Probably ingests santorum on a regular basis.

    A) Is Diluted Clorox Bleach Mouthrinse safe? Answer Yes. Date of article 2013

    "For instance, in a pilot study in the Journal of Peri­odontal Research in 2014—funded in part by Clorox—researchers at the University of Southern California (USC) School of Dentistry randomly assigned 30 people with advanced gum disease to rinse twice a week for 30 sec­onds with either 0.25% sodium hypochlorite solution (made by diluting Clorox regular bleach) or plain water for three months. Par­ticipants also received professional irrigation under their gums with bleach or water after the first and second week."

    Published February 07, 2020 Berkely University

    C) You do know that our body makes bleach.

    Much safer to gargle with bleach than say Chlorhexidine Mouthwash

    Maybe you ought to STFU.

  17. The English Prof is in full retreat. Pops smoke to cover his retreat.

    English prof didn't realise that you can you can use Clorox to gargle with. Some actual research continues at universities that are not completely overrun with liberals.

    Remember that lion in a NYC zoo that had corona? They could tell be the cough. the said corona virus was in and on the cells lining the throat. Well if you you gargle with a properly diluted amount of Clorox you can kill some of the virus that is inside you. temporarily cleaning everything from you tonsils forward.

    It is not suggested for people, who bleat "Math is hard", for them to dilute stuff at home. They couldn't measure correctly, because, you need to be able to count .
