Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Senior Chinese Military Officer Calls For Ramming Attacks On U.S. Ships In The South China Sea

China's Harbin guided-missile destroyer, left, and the Sovremenny-class Ningbo destroyer. AP

Business Insider: Senior Chinese military officer calls for attacks on US ships in the South China Sea

* A Chinese military officer who spoke at a conference in Beijing on Saturday urged the Chinese navy to use force to counter US activities in the South China Sea.
* The People's Liberation Army Air Force senior colonel argued that the Chinese navy should ram US Navy warships that try to conduct freedom-of-navigation operations in "Chinese waters" in the South China Sea, Taiwan News reported.
* Such an aggressive action would certainly constitute an escalation after an incident in September in which a Chinese navy destroyer nearly collided with a US warship in the South China Sea.

The South China Sea is a powder keg, and one Chinese military officer and expert seems interested in lighting the fuse.

Dai Xu, a People's Liberation Army Air Force senior colonel and the president of China's Institute of Marine Safety and Cooperation, suggested at a conference in Beijing on Saturday that the Chinese navy should use force to counter US freedom-of-navigation operations in the South China Sea, Taiwan News reported.

Read more ....

Update: Chinese General Says Military Should Use Force Against U.S. Ships in South China Sea -- Newsweek

WNU Editor: This Chinese military official is also advocating the forceful seizure of Taiwan .... Chinese military official: ‘We should be ready to take over Taiwan’ (News.com.au)


  1. I do expect this to happen sooner than later. So the question is what is the American response ?

  2. The old Venezuela approach...

  3. Did he also advocate boarding actions accomplished by eyepatch-wearing pirates wielding swords and muskets?

  4. America is weak, divided and lead by idiots. Now is the time to strike, comrade Xi.

    Only by bold actions can a new era begin. A return to glory for the middle kingdom, and comeuppance for western imperialist swine.

  5. " This Chinese military official is also advocating the forceful seizure of Taiwan ...."

    My 1st boss in the private sector had several sayings.

    The most often used one was "You can get more with honey than with vinegar"

    Another one was of someone one telephoned for him, he would ask the secretary how they pronounced his name. If they didn't know how, they were not important.

    China would do better to court Taiwan. But to do so, would mean being one to sharing power. Not with just Taiwan, but with anyone in China. But the communist will not do this. They have imposed this constraint on themselves. So the honey solution is no solution at all. It only leaves one choice.

  6. Good luck with that. Ramming a US destroyer is rally stupid. Of course this is a just a colonel talking.

  7. Colonel is one step below general.

    In the Navy a colonel is a captain and captains command carriers.

    Foundation should get a read on the psycho historic data. That is what they are there for. They were stood up what 10 years ago?

    However, China rolled-up our humint under that paragon of intellect and honesty illustrious John Brennan, so getting a read on Chinese psycho-historic data could be problematic.

    The Chinese have thoroughly penetrated America like it was a wanton slattern. Just look at Gore, Clinton and Feinstein.

  8. Not one real response about what the US would do if China rammed a US navy ship. Are there any navy people here that could enlighten us?

    1. It's not a military question, it's a political one

    2. Yes that’s true. But what would be the answer. There is going to be a answer and it could be a military one. The US could pack up and leave. They could do the sanctions bit. Or they could deploy and threaten all those little islands that they built up. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  9. Blackdog,

    You would need someone 05 or above form the line or aviation community to comment Or some JO, whose duties were on the bridge. I suspect what happens depends on the occupant of 16000 Avenue or after a few days what the American street and chattering class think.

    If there is a collision there might be flooding below decks sufficient to to drown people. If say 1/2 dozen or a dozen due, it could get kinetic or something equally devastating would happen.

    Claiming the Paracels and a small/proportionate portion of the Spratlies, is feasible. Anything else will bring ruin to China.

    1. Now that’s what I’m talking about! Finally a thought out answer. Yes I agree with everything that you stated. Hopefully someone in this administration and navy is thinking of the scenarios and working them through their heads. Which I’m hopeful they have since this is nothing new.

  10. Blackdog,
    If it is a military set to, who gets in a telling shot will set the tone. Other than that fazman is exactly right it remains in the political realm for now.
