Monday, June 1, 2020

Here Are The Countries That Are Recovering - Reopening Quickly From The Covid-19 Pandemic

Zero Hedge: The Road To Recovery: Which Economies Are Reopening?

COVID-19 has brought the world to a halt - but, as Visual Capitalist's Iman Ghosh details below, after months of uncertainty, it seems that the situation is slowly taking a turn for the better.

Today’s chart measures the extent to which 41 major economies are reopening, by plotting two metrics for each country: the mobility rate and the COVID-19 recovery rate:

1) Mobility Index
This refers to the change in activity around workplaces, subtracting activity around residences, measured as a percentage deviation from the baseline.

2) COVID-19 Recovery Rate
The number of recovered cases in a country is measured as the percentage of total cases.

Data for the first measure comes from Google’s COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports, which relies on aggregated, anonymous location history data from individuals. Note that China does not show up in the graphic as the government bans Google services.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: A good summary on who is economically recovering quickly (and who is not).


  1. WNU did you had a look at leaked court documents about Epstein and Trump by Anonymous?

    They both were in a lawsuit for raping a minor.

    Whats your analysis?

  2. 2016 and the lawsuit went nowhere.

    Nice deflection asshole.

    Meanwhile there you are protecting Bill Clinton.

    Nice verb tense btw. What country are you from?

  3. Clintons can go drown in swamp.

    For me Ventura speaks sense.

    I love to read WNU analysis due to his experience with various political ideology.

    Anon your words mean nothing cause your the one who lives and breathes If your not with us then your against us.

  4. 9:26

    I will take your post as a threat.

    Joe Pags show had a caller who questioned, if the 20 dollar bill was counterfeit. The discussion was that maybe the store clerk was trained to spot phony bills. It begs the question as to whether George Floyd was arrested for using a real $20 bill.

    I also wonder if it was real, if the store clerk had ulterior motives. I wonder, who the store clerk was. After all George Floyd was called a "Gentle Giant." Might we have a repeat?

    I breathe, because I don't fight with cops. Nor do I make it a habit of getting into fights. See how that works?

  5. So most of the countries that are doing well are the ones that put immediate restrictions on China against the objections of the WHO. Good to know.

  6. WHO ran by China's guy Tedros, who conspired with China to hide the outbreak initially.

    FO whore (10:23)

    Just remember every lie, every attempt at misdirection just makes people madder at China and the usual list of enemies like Russia, Al Qaeda, etc.

    Please keep it up!

