Monday, June 29, 2020

Is China Getting Ready For A Two Front War With US In The South China Sea & India-China Border?

Eurasian Times: China Ready For A Two Front War With US In South China Sea & India-China Border?

India-China Border Clash: Chinese experts acknowledge that Indian Army is expecting a prolonged standoff in the China-India border region but suggest that the US coming to Indian aid would be a fantasy.

India-China border clash seems to be prolonging and possibilities of a full-scale war are looming. The US has extended its support to India over its border conflicts with China and this has expectedly perturbed Beijing.

Chinese experts acknowledge that Indian Army is expecting a prolonged standoff in the China-India border region. They also boost that the Chinese army battle-ready on all the fronts and has accelerated military drills in the South China Sea, Taiwan and India-China border.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: China is not even remotely ready to fight two major wars. And neither is anyone else.


  1. They are ready and able, amazing what attributes neccesity provides.

  2. War is coming and there is no country more deserving than China

    Over the last ten years
    - China has put one million unwanted in concentration camps
    - conducted forced sterilisations exterminating millions of babies
    - bullied and been at quasi war with India, Vietnam, the Philips, Taiwan and countless more
    - poisoned the World with the Wuhan virus, not telling anyone for 51 days while buying up PPE (making it harder on other countries) and then selling faulty PPE st inflated prices. On top they insulted all of us when we complained. Told us to shut up and just wear a mask. That alone qualifies many of the CCP for the death penalty in my book.
    - conducted mass thievery in trillions of IP theft, espionage and compromised thousands of Academic institutions around the world. .just look at how many spies were caught at Harvard alone

    We ARE at war right now

    Cultural war
    Information war
    Murder through virus

    Kinetic war will be next and China WILL lose. Completely surrounded. No friends left. A Chinese century squandered misguided by hubris.

    The payback is coming, China

    You can't run
    You can't hide

    Count your last days

  3. The US can handle this only because we have done so before and have adapted well. I also believe there are weapon systems available that we do not know of yet that will make this ‘future’ war very ugly and costly for China.
