Tuesday, June 30, 2020

US Navy's Secret SHARC Spy Vessel Spotted Off The Coast Of Florida

Forbes: Mystery Unmanned Craft Seen Off Florida May Be Secret SHARC Spy Vessel

A ‘what is this?’ Facebook video from FishMonster, picked up by HI Sutton on his Covert Shores site, shows a curious vehicle spotted off Florida’s Key West last week. Virtually the only part of it above water is a mast supporting an array of antennae. The vehicle is almost certainly a Wave Glider made by U.S. company Liquid Robotics (now owned by Boeing BA ) , and the antennas suggest it is part of a U.S. Navy program known as Sensor Hosting Autonomous Remote Craft, or SHARC.

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Update #1: Mysterious Wave Glider Spotted Off Florida Keys Had Electronic Intel Gathering System (Updated) (Warzone/The Drive)
Update #2: Stealthy US Robotic Spy Craft Caught on Video Near Florida, Media Claims (Sputnik)

WNU Editor: With its low radar signature I can understand why this would be suitable for intelligence and surveillance operations.

1 comment:

  1. We found something very similar to this off the coast of San Diego back in 2017 and were just as puzzled. Turned out to be a NOAA remote craft that studies currents etc... we agreed that if we ever stumbled upon it again we would put it in the boat and take it to the closest lake (15 miles inland) and release it there...see how long it takes them to figure out how their ocean drone ended up in a lake:-).
