Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Will The Border Conflict Between China And India Lead To A Naval War?

RCD/The Strategist: Will the India–China Border Conflict Lead to a Naval War?

The recent developments in Ladakh on the disputed border between India and China were shocking and tragic. The clash in Galwan Valley last week has opened up a deep fissure in India–China ties, spawning tensions that could even escalate into an all-out-war. The latest reports suggest the Indian armed forces have begun a rapid mobilisation and the Chinese military has been shoring up its positions, even as political efforts are on to defuse the crisis.

With a spiral of escalation building, a conflict so far limited to the Line of Actual Control with China could see other theatres open up, including one in the Indian Ocean. Unlike on the land border, where China has a relative advantage of terrain, military infrastructure and troop strength, India is better placed at sea. In the Eastern Indian Ocean through which most of China’s cargo and energy shipments pass, the Indian Navy is the dominant force.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: For the moment India is focused on building up its border defenses .... India moves air defense missiles to Chinese border (UPI). More here .... India Sends Tanks Along Border To Prevent China "Redefining" Line Of Actual Control (Zero Hedge).


  1. I'm still concerned this is a feint by China to facilitate an attempt to take Taiwan.

  2. I don't know if will lead to a naval war. Probably not. But I do know that China desperately needs a round house kick right in the mouth.

  3. China has a "good" navy...as long that's on its border. For the Indian Ocean, that's a different story, and that's where India has the upper hand, which is strategically important for oil to China.
    That said, James has a point. What China is doing on the border of India is not significant for making its strength weak against Taiwan. The only interest for China is a "limited fight" with India as a good training of their troops for fighting Taiwan and may be America.

  4. Srraight to the point China cannot afford to get into a major conflict . For China its more than just having conflict to other nations. As long as Taiwan and Hongkong dream has not achieved they cannot afford it. HK and Taiwan was Chinas wickness.

  5. China has no chance of taking Taiwan now ,relax James.

    1. I don't think they can take Taiwan either, but I still think it's a feint.
      If they try for Taiwan they have to do it quickly and without any troop build up being seen, a very difficult proposition.

  6. It makes strategic sense. Fight and win a quick battle against India. 1. You announce to the region that you are the power and embarrass India. 2. You change facts on the ground to your advantage. 3. You prove to the region that the US will not help. 4. Your troops and officers gain experience.

  7. 10 trillion investment fools

  8. Whether India or Taiwan, US will always be involve indirectly, China could not have the courage of getting into any conflict unless they conquer back Taiwan. Theres only one way for China to achieve their goals, change their ideals, be friendly and start learning how to be civilized. China could just wasted all their potentials by pushing too much against everybody while finding itself alone.

    I dont think India will not fight back. I dont think Taiwan will not defend itself. Theres militaty build up everywhere. in a matter of time anyone pushed by China will defend itself.
