Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Tweets For Today


  1. The United State of America is at war. Like many other conflicts it has not been formally declared. Nonetheless it is a war.

    Do we really think it matters who gets elected? Imho being a pessimist by nature, civil unrest is garanteed if not war. Lose. Lose.

    Remember, it’s an election year. Wreck the economy is the Dems best hope right now and damn the data. Went to the lake this weekend, no one was wearing masks and everyone was having fun. Great time.

    There are a few definitions of war. One is where a government is involved and there are 1,000 or more deaths. Well, Uncle Sam is involved whether he knows it or not. Some factions know they are fighting for power and they are willing to use the police state tactics, 'civil disobedience', insurgency, and everything else.

    The people who have died fro,m this war include of 800 African Americans, who have died, since liberal mayors decided they were expendable. Also there are more suicides since lockdown. The lockdown was intended to flatten the curve to prevent emergency services from getting swamped, but now it is has been turned into a political weapon. People have had medical procedures delayed such as cancer screening and treatments.

    Do not think that handing liberals power will bring peace, TO maintain power they will have to keep hunting enemies ad infinitum.


  2. These Two Charts Should Land Dr. Fauci in Prison

    A mechanistic model and therapeutic interventions for COVID-19 involving a RAS-mediated bradykinin storm

    New insights into deadly "bradykinin storms" suggest potential therapies for COVID-19

    Given a proper diagnosis people generally will not be dying of ARC due to any virus. anymore.

    Medical Emergency over.
    When they have the drugs and they can describe the pathways. It is over.

    Political one is still very much alive. Democrats definitely need to be on the corruption gravy train.

  3. New NV Law Allows Democrats to Enter Nursing Homes, Vote for Dementia Patients without Their Signature
