Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Trump - Biden Presidential Debate (Live)


  1. America is the world's most powerful banana republic. The bananas in this case are violent dingbats.

  2. Russia as the old Soviet Union launched coups from Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. How many would be world leaders never made it out alive?

  3. mOney transfer from Moscow for Bidens son?? What???

  4. $ 12K rental per month for a sweet, sweet Hollywood Hills home is expensive.

    Hunter needs all the wire transfers that he can get.

  5. A democrat's peaceful protest in reality = big insurance claims, ruined lives, and blighted neighborhoods.

  6. Absolutely dying to know what Mr WNU's thinks of this...

  7. I think Biden did well. If they can keep pumping him full with that stuff 24/7 he might make it through half a week in the office

  8. According to chinese zodiac 1942 is a year of horse and that is when Biden was born.He needs eye blinkers just like in a horse in over to be straight or else he never listens to anyone but master xi

  9. I think Chris Wallace and Fox News are the big losers.

    I'm glad Chris was able to speak with the candidates about his personally important issues, with a Biden skew.

  10. Well Xi certainly liked Biden's performance, think the CCP even endorses Biden. And why wouldn't they. The Chinese love that the Democrats call everyone a racist to deflect about the origins of that virus.

    Biden literally said that Trump is the worse president in history with regards to job growth , a very very disturbing twist of the truth:

    We all know under Trump growth was phenomenal and the US had simultaneously the best economic growth and job growth in 70 years while China had their worst economic data in 70 years at the same time.. the gig was up and the US economy had clearly won and crushed the Chinese myth....panic was all around in China for months, as we even discussed on this blog here. That was early/mid-2019 to end 2019.

    Exactly then then, at the time of China's greatest despair and public embarrassment, the Wuhan virus mysteriously hit and then Democrats and the media called everyone racist who dared to ask about China's involvement and what happened at their laboratory. How the Chinese made money off our misery, buying up PPE before they told us about the severity. This is a cover up and a crime against humanity which your children will still have to pay for

    It's so disturbing that Biden went there. That alone disqualified him in my book. He put party before country and made your enemy stronger.

    TRUMP 2020
    Vote for me (I can't, I'm European) :)

  11. Biden did not directly answer one policy question put to him. It was all platitudes, cherry-picked statistics and rehearsed lines. If you're running for president, you don't answer a question as to the direction you'd take SCOTUS by saying, "No I won't answer that question because my answer will become the issue."

    And the lefty blogs are livid with Wallace for letting Trump steamroll the entire stage.

  12. TRUMP 2020
    Vote for me (I can't, I'm European) :)

    You can vote.

    Next Time Someone Tells You Non-Citizens Don't Vote in U.S. Elections, Tell Them About Christine Chernosky

    Christine got caught. That is an anomaly. the got prosecuted. That is a bigger anomaly.

    It was like a one in 20 million chance or less that she got prosecuted.

    I think the take away is that if you are a foreigner, you commit voter fraud in California. the State AG will cover for you.

    Minnesota should have been safe for a voter fraud, but maybe Christine did it an area that still follows the law.

    So moral of the story is that it is much safer to commit voter fraud in California and the Democrat AG will protect you.

  13. Trump has two ex-wives, because he suffers from the male disease and he has money to indulge in it. Most males put in his position be they previously attending a feminist rally or in a church pew would do the same.

    When the moderator is a partisan hack, you do not give him what he wants.

    Debate moderators are or should be a thing of the past. Should use AI or a time clock like in chess.

    Chris Wallace is minor Democrat nobility. We all knew he would not be fair. If a person was to make discreet inquiries at the College of Arms, you would learn that Chris Wallace's full official name is

    Christopher Wall von 60 Minutes.

    If you queried the Saudi College of Arms, you would learn that Chrissy's true name is

    Christopher bin Mile bin Wallace al CBS

  14. Simply put:
    It was Biden's to lose (he is ahead in the polls), and for all the claims about his this and that, he proved otherwise. He did not lose.
