Saturday, October 31, 2020

Belgium's Facing A Covid-19 Health Care Collapse


More than 300,000 of Belgium's 11 million people have COVID-19 right now. The president of Belgium's medical union tells DW how desperate and precarious the country's health system has become. 

On October 29, Belgium recorded its highest daily infection number on record: more than 20,000. The epicenter is Liege, where surrounding boroughs have seen more than 10% of the population infected. DW spoke with Philippe Devos, the president of Belgium's association of medical unions, who works as an intensivist in the critical care unit at the CHC Montlegia hospital (pictured).

Read more .... 

 More News On The Covid-19 Pandemic In Belgium 


  1. They could ask Trump for ventilators. He would give them ventilators.

    Socialized healthcare does not seem to be working.

    If Belgium is anything like Germany all the women are fat because they can't walk for exercise or go to the pool for exercise.

    I don't think your average drooling liberal haven't seen the harassment women get on public streets by heroes of the Left.

  2. The "experts" had better be right this time.

  3. The experts need to be held accountable. I have never seen a class of unelected people who yield this much power without oversight or consequences. It's not only wrong but a sign of deep systemic issues. By that I don't mean critical race theory but I really mean our system. From proven liar Adam Schiff (D) to media operatives to health care experts, these people.. once they get in power they seem to protect each other. And this protection allows them to do anything, from lying to incompetence, to even coup attempts and no legal consequences. They don't even get fired.

    But same on a larger scale. China seems to have poisoned the world send enriched itself of human misery, we know about the concentration camps, the death camps, the forced sterilisation programs and the UN and human rights body does shit. We're talking mass murder and crimes against humanity on a scale that makes Nazis look like bed wetters.

    This planet and this species is doomed of these people can get away with all that. P

  4. I'm with John Cleese on this one"Lazy, fat,beer sodden,pseudo-French Belgian bastards"!


  5. Blame the internet. The adam schiffs of the country and others wouldn't have nearly the exposure without it and thus wouldn't have such an impact.

  6. This is why European women do not get enough exercise and are thus more liekly to have poor outcomes with COVID.

    Furor over film capturing harassment on hidden camera in Belgium

    - LA TIMES

    This is why American women have poor outcomes with COVID than otherwise.

    Man who killed New York City jogger Karina Vetrano sentenced to life in prison - ABC

    Iowa jogger Mollie Tibbetts was killed from 'multiple sharp force injuries': Autopsy - ABC

    Chandra Levy

  7. Everyone is low IQ except for parrot (9:53).


  8. ah. anon, up from nap, diapers changed, once again stalks with shit and same old stuff to post...fuck thee and your family

  9. 12:14

    "bunch of low-IQ moron(s) badmouthing everyone.
    fix yourself for starters"

    I think the correct word, which you were so vainly searching for, is the word "yourselves".

    Do you have a word processor?

    Maybe you should type you comment in a word processor and conduct a spell check and grammar check first and the copy and paste into the comments section.

    We all know you are or so good at copy and paste.

    Also, we all noted that you called everyone on this comment thread, morons.

  10. ah, same simplistic shit from My Stalker. Get a life, mother's little tit sucker. Question: am I the only one you stalk daily or do you do this at various sites, now that school no longer requires in-person attendance (bet that place feels at least one good thing has come from the virus).
    Have you ever made a comment that referred to a posting or do you dribble your shit in badmouthing others because you are an insecure piece of shit, friendless, lonely, disliked for your shit personality?

  11. Question: am I the only one you stalk daily ...

    "bunch of low-IQ morons badmouthing everyone.
    fix yourself for starters"

    That is how you started out at 9:53. No one was talking about you, but then you launched a all out assault on everyone.

    Some people were bitching about a government and you felt the extreme urgency and overriding need to criticize them over it.

    You brought no facts, no figures, not even you good ole copy and paste. You just brought you typical ad hominem attack. DDSS
