Friday, October 30, 2020

This Democrat Supporter Says Do Not Believe The Polls Showing Biden Ahead Of Trump


The presidential election, especially in swing states, is probably much closer than polls predict, according to the liberal film maker

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore is sounding the alarm five days before Election Day, strongly suggesting that polls showing Joe Biden in a comfortable lead against President Trump are not accurate.

During his appearance on The Hill TV's "Rising," Moore began by calling it "awful news" that Biden was ahead of Trump by seven points in his home state of Michigan and explained how Trump managed to cut Biden's lead "in half," citing another poll that had the Democratic nominee "16 points" ahead of the president. 

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WNU Editor: I have always found Michael Moore an oddball. But he is right that Trump's voters are always under-counted. And as for the enthusiasm factor, he is also right that Trump voters are far more enthusiastic than the Biden voter. But Michael Moore should not underestimate the Biden voter. They despise Trump, and that will be more than enough motivation for tens of millions to vote for Biden next week.


  1. “Michael Moore an oddball” the last part of his video he likes Trump to think he is winning. Michael Moore playing smart and i think i agree he is oddball - looser

    1. B.Foster

      Moore playing smart (and really not smart at all) and i think i agree he (Moore) is oddball - looser.


      Moore just like the POTUS to think he is winning the re election rather than Biden supporters think they have margin over Trump. And it made Moore more oddball.

  2. No incumbent POTUS has ever lost with a plus 70% primary vote.Trump has a higher percentage than Reagan in 1984 when he won 49 states,94%.I repeat 94%!Only Hoover,Carter and Bush in 92 lost! Tell that to your'e dumb brother Ed.

  3. "They despise Trump, and that will be more than enough motivation for tens of millions to vote for Biden next week."

    I too despise low unemployment

    I too despise labor mobility and wage growth.

    I too despise prosperity for more than the chosen few.

    I too am a Democrat.

    ¡Viva la vida loca!

  4. Anon (5:11),

    Perhaps I'm wrong but I highly doubt that Trump is going to be paying any attention to anything Michael Moore says. He's more likely to be paying attention to things like his internal polling and what advisors are yelling him. In this regard, he seems to be behaving like someone who rinks He's going to win. This is as evidenced by his focus on Middle Eastern issues that don't add to his electoral chances. I doubt he's even aware of anything Michael Moore says. The assessment of "oddball" to describe him doesn't seem that far off to me.

  5. Moore likes Trump? I think that's incorrect.

    Michael Moore in TrumpLand (2016)

  6. Why do we speak of internal polling knowing and hushed tones?

    Like it is better than regular polling.

    Could it be that it is is head and shoulders better?

    Could it be that regular polling is propaganda and theater?

  7. all hell will brake out november 2 2020

  8. my crazzies will declare WAR in your mind

    1. Keep taking more of your med. You still have high hope, do not give up. And go straight first to yout destination.
