Friday, October 30, 2020

Top US Infectious Doctor Says US Might Not See Life Get "Back To Normal" Until 2022

Zero Hedge: US Might Not See Life Get "Back To Normal" Until 2022, Dr. Fauci Warns 

With Larry Kudlow back in front of the cameras on Thursday talking up Thursday's record-breaking GDP report and promising - with a newsman's confidence - that the American economy will have made a "full recovery" by the Spring of next year. 

Though he acknowledged that his take was "optimistic", he reiterated that the president doesn't want to shut down the economy again, adding that he doesn't think shutdowns are "helpful". 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I see it the same way. We will not be back to normal until 2022, and the priority will the economy.


  1. The "COVID is over party" across the world is gonna be the biggest and best ever, like overshadowing New Years 1999/2000.

  2. We're being lied to.

    Is WNU in on it?

    "For example, North Carolina’s state lab uses the Thermo Fisher coronavirus test, which automatically classifies results based on a cutoff of 37 cycles. A spokeswoman for the lab said testers did not have access to the precise numbers.

    This amounts to an enormous missed opportunity to learn more about the disease, some experts said.

    “It’s just kind of mind-blowing to me that people are not recording the C.T. values from all these tests — that they’re just returning a positive or a negative,” said Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University in New York.

    “It would be useful information to know if somebody’s positive, whether they have a high viral load or a low viral load,” she added.

    Officials at the Wadsworth Center, New York’s state lab, have access to C.T. values from tests they have processed, and analyzed their numbers at The Times’s request. In July, the lab identified 794 positive tests, based on a threshold of 40 cycles.

    With a cutoff of 35, about half of those tests would no longer qualify as positive. About 70 percent would no longer be judged positive if the cycles were limited to 30."

    Why not go 50 cycles?

    Or a 100 cycles?

    Why not go 1,000 cycles or until 100% of tests are positive?

    Let's be reasonable and compromies. Let's only mandate o 60 cycles and Cloward and Piven the system.

    When is Mr. Fauci going to give us that HIV vaccine? A genius, top of his class type should have been able to make one in 40 years!

  3. Fauci screwed over most of the HIV positive patients from long ago. I'm surprised he is still in the gov.

  4. And I agree with the PCR(polymerase chain reaction) issue. It'll find any material that's related to covid-1, including the previous covid strains

    Either way, we are under attack by China. They unleashed a bio weapon on us with the goal to destabilise our economies, to isolate us, to make us weak and to pitch us against each other. They are the ones who funded critical race theory through their Confuscius institutes. They've stolen TRILLIONS from us.

    All of these alone are good enough reasons to go to war, kinetic war. If we don't, they'll come back for more and more. Wouldn't you? They've made trillions of our backs through corrupt politicians like Joe Biden selling us out. And they've compromised key people in media to censor this information. CNN is actively peddling Chinese interests now. So is NPR, the NY times, MSNBC.

    They're winning. In the trillions. Your children and mine will be enslaved or stabilized. Forced into reeducation programs. Forced to undergo struggle sessions. Forced to give up religion. Forced to give up free speech. And that's if we're lucky. Likely they'll send more viruses to us. Make more money off or deaths. The Chinese way of war is making you think you haveno chance. To outbreed you.

    Well, the western way of war is not bad either and we should demonstrate to them that we will not be pushed over. That we will not hang a CCP flag outside our window.

    We will send them straight to hell in a fiery explosion if they don't come clean and make reparations for all this pain and terror and theft and mass murder.

  5. Based upon how pandemics of the past have worked out this would be a reasonable assumption but the truth is cult leader Fauci hasn't the foggiest idea.

    The flu pandemic of 1918 lasted 15 months and killed approximately 675K Americans. This works out to about .0065% of the US population based upon the population at the time of about 103.2M. Cult leader Fauci's estimate of 2.2M in the current US population of about 331M also works out to about .0065% of the current population.

    I always wondered how the cult leader got his numbers. Now I think we know. As I suspected, he made them up essentially copying them from the last pandemic. Essentially the number's are part of a shakedown designed to frighten to illicit a desired behavior, on this case, economic lockdowns.

    I'm sure the cult leader and others who benefited from this behavior night have expected their fear porn to have frightened people into an economic slowdown for six weeks or so. I don't think they ever in their wildest dreams would've expected to get what they got!! Getting an adversary to attack themselves with even more ferocity than you attacked them with is amazing!! Perhaps it's unprecedented.

    The Economy contacted at an annual rate of 31% in the second quarter basedcuoin charts linked to by the editor and grew at a rate of 33% in the third quarter. The virus has not changed one iota. The only difference is the ferocity of the lockdowns. Essentially without the lockdowns we'd have our economy and have been spared the collateral damage that is literally killing people along with the virus. No lockdowns = more people still alive today. Even the cult leaders Fauci is starting to admit that lockdowns may not be such a good idea. No apologies though.

    If this pandemics follows the pattern of 1918, it burns out by 9/21. After this it will take a few months for people to get over their fear which is understandable so, yes, a return to normal by 2022 is probably reasonable. Cult leader Fauci has no idea though abd unless he's jettisoned his extreme hubris I don't see him consulting with anyone who might actually have the gall to question him.

  6. There's something wrong with Fauci.. I don't know what it is, if he got compromised by a foreign power, or if he's corrupt or just absolutely incompetent.. or all of the above. BUT what's even more troubling that such a person remains untouched and in power. No consequences. Must be nice to be protected like this.
