Tuesday, November 3, 2020

If Trump Declares Victory On Election Night, NBC Will Not Broadcast His Speech


MSNBC's "Morning Joe" hosts Joe Scarborough and Willie Geist said Monday that if President Trump declares victory on election night before all the votes have been counted, their show will not broadcast the video of him saying he has won. 

"It is going to be a wild night," Willie Geist said. "He said we're going to flood the zone with lawyers, send them into Pennsylvania and Michigan and Wisconsin and we are going to dispute this election, no matter what happens he's already saying that. Meanwhile, there are some reports that say he could go out and declare victory as early as he can on Tuesday night. Of course, he will not have won, but he'll try to say it anyway." 

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WNU Editor: Is Joe Scarborough talking for the network or for his show? Either way it is not a good sign when you say you will censure such a speech.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a coup attempt
I am almost certain that oath keepers will make it very clear to any network involved in a coup attempt, that it'd be a quite regrettable action