Thursday, December 31, 2020

F-15 Takes Out A Target With A Sidewinder Missile At Very Close Range (Video)


We don’t often get the chance to see such a close-quarters aerial engagement with live weapons. 

The U.S. Air Force has released video and photos of an F-15C Eagle fighter jet destroying a towed target at very close range with one of its Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, during a mission flown off the coast of the United Kingdom. It’s relatively rare imagery showing one of the air superiority fighters doing just what it was designed to do — being “the baddest guy in the air,” in the words of three-time MiG-killer and retired Eagle pilot Cesar “Rico” Rodriguez. 

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WNU Editor: You don't see videos like that everyday.


  1. Unless you are in a helo, A-10, fired upon by a stinger or in a peer to peer conflict (or its competitors) pilots do not fight wars. It is no more dangerous than flying a C-130.

    Democrats (DJNC et al) fight wars. The Democrats are engaged in hybrid warfare against the American people and the puke country clubs like that fucker Romney.

    Jovan Pulitzer says Georgia Called in Trucks to Get Rid of the Evidence in Fulton County He is Supposed to be Scanning!


    Jovan Pulitzer Reveals Electronic Voting Machines in Georgia Communicating with Vendor in China

    There is a book called "Parliament of Whores".

    "Parliament of Whores is an international best-selling political humor book by P. J. O'Rourke published by Atlantic Monthly Press in 1991. Subtitled "A Lone Humorist Attempts to Explain the Entire US Government", Parliament is a scathing critique of the American system of governance"

    The book was not before its time. It just becomes more true with age.

    "Along with Augustus’ daughter Julia (who he had banished for sleeping with so many different men), Messalina is probably one of the most notoriously promiscuous women of Rome."

    Joe Biden et al could give Messalina a run for her money.

  3. U.S. Soldiers are less citizen soldiers than Italian Condottiere. Thank you Joe Biden and DNC whores. Let's be clear. The DNC are high class call girls and the RRINO's are low class pornai / πόρνη.
