Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Iran Says It Will Allocate $150,000 To The Families For Each Victim Of Ukraine Plane Crash


Iran says it has allocated $150,000 for the families of each of the 176 victims of a Ukrainian passenger plane that was downed in Iranian airspace nearly a year ago. 

The Iranian government said in statement on December 30 that it had approved the payment of “$150,000 or the equivalent in euros as soon as possible to the families and survivors of each of the victims” of the crash. 

Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 crashed shortly after taking off from Tehran’s main airport on January 8, killing all on board, including many Canadian citizens and permanent residents. 

WNU Editor: Chump change. 

More News On Iran Saying It Will Allocate $150,000 To The Families For Each Victim Of Ukraine Plane Crash 


  1. Would it even be legal to accept the money if the bloodmoney isn't being administered by a lawsuit?


  2. A small fraction of what mr. obamma had delivered to the moo-lahs in the dead of night 4 years ago.
