Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Fighting Escalates in Eastern Ukraine. Current Cease-Fire Unravelling

WNU Editor: Ukraine is saying that Russia is threatening the security in the region .... Ukraine says Russian military buildup threatens its security (Reuters). The Kremlin is accusing Kiev Of doing the same thing .... Kremlin says Kiev to blame for worsening Ukraine conflict (AFP). 

This blogger predicted a few days ago that the war will escalate after Orthodox Easter (May 2) .... U.S. Escalates Military Hardware Deliveries To Ukraine's Army (March 28, 2021). It looks like I am off by a few weeks.


  1. The democrats are back, and now both Syria and Ukraine are heating up, coincidence?

  2. How are your predictions off? There are a lot of variables. I do not expect a person making predictions to give exact dates most of the time. If they did it would be suspicious.
    Like in football betting people have gone to point spreads. They learned their lessons.

    It is like statistics, What matters mostly is the mean and the standard deviation. If the standard deviation is too large predicting a mean is worthless.
