Saturday, April 24, 2021

Beijing Continue To Urge WHO Not To Pursue 'Lab Leak' Theory

World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus attends a news conference in Geneva, April 12, 2021.  

VOA: Beijing Urges WHO Leader Not to Pursue 'Lab Leak' Theory 

WASHINGTON - China is lashing out at the chief of the World Health Organization for suggesting that more study is needed into the possibility that the coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic initially escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. 

Global Times, an influential news outlet controlled by China's ruling Communist Party, pointed this week to comments by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Ethiopian-born director-general of the WHO, to the effect "that further investigation is needed on the hypothesis of a 'lab leak' being the origin of COVID-19." 

The front-page report quoted a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson urging "the WHO to play a leading role in respecting science."  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Chinese are upping the pressure .... Chinese state media airs expert’s grievance against WHO chief, lab leak theory (SCMP)


  1. Why putting pressure if there is no problem? This is, again, the proof China is guilty.

  2. Why not? Because China might be on the hook?

    QUESTION: If China would be on the hook, would not the US be on the hook as well?

    After all the paid for some of that experimentation.

    If Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation was responsible for Union Carbide India Limited, would the US (CDC) be responsible for China (Wuhan Lab).

    Could it be like global warming (AGW)? China (#1) and the US (#2) are the two biggest emitters, but somehow the US foots the bill and China skates.

    What oversight responsibilities does Dr. Fauci have when he is disbursing funding?

    When private companies or public corporation cond8ict business in Chia they send advance teams and inspect their partners. I know of a Fortune 50 company that inspected a Chinese plant in Outer Mongolia. Ultimately they decides not to form a partnership with that
    particular Chinese corporation due to due diligence. The Fortune 50 company has subsidiaries elsewhere in China. The industrial plants in China are highly variable in quality like everywhere else in the world.

    Did Fauci do his due diligence? Did he travel to China and inspect the lab? Or did he eschew it because, he is was a septuagenarian. Did he delegate it because he was a septuagenarian? Did anyone go to China to inspect the lab?

    France funded the building of that PS4 lab. So are China, France and the US on the hook?

    It was too dangerous to conduct the experiments in the US. So the Us formed a partnership to conduct the experiments in China. But it still came here and killed Americans. If the US government had performed experiment in Fort Detrick, would the USG be on the hook? So the USG is off the hook if there is a middleman a cut out?

    Similar to the John Brennan political spy agency. Outsource spying on Americans and the CIA has followed(?) the letter of the law if not spirit. The cutouts are a former British spy and and MI6. Bonus 2 cutouts!

    If Brennan us guiltless, then Fauci is guiltless.

    Sometimes bad people get away with evil shit and live happily ever after. Fauci is very happy. He is the highest paid USG employee. I can hear him laughing now on his way to the bank.


  4. Because the truth would lead to war?

  5. The truth is the truth
    The original crime is committed already, but other criminal and inhumane activities continue while you're being distracted by fake racism the Chinese push people in trains and eradicate entire populations....those who hold back the truth are involved in the largest crime against humanity this planet has ever seen. Death to them all

  6. There are good people in China. Also biological weapons should never be handled with such carelessness. Not death to them all just the ones responsible for such an experiment.

  7. Intent? You cannot prove it.

    One scientists and we are not talking about Fauci said respiratory diseases escape all the time from labs. For murder you need intent. Unless you are a liberal prosecutor in the US and then you can pin intent on some one like Chauvin all day every day.

    IF it is a civil suit and we are speaking of a preponderance of the evidence (not beyond a shadow of doubt), you should be able to get a conviction for manslaughter on a mass scale.

    The numbers are overhyped. It is not much of a disease. It is a big opportunity for dishonest government, but it is not much of a disease.

    Until you show a chart with multiple axes with death due to COVID as the dependent variable, I ain't buying that it is a big time disease.

    You could prove to various vjruses in different courts that China and the US are responsible, but good luck collecting form a sovereign country. It would be harder to build a case against France, but ambulance chasers could find the right county.

    Multiple axes allows data in different ranges to be visualized together. While this in some cases can cause charts to be hard to read, it can also be a powerful tool to illustrate correlations.

    "Unlike the American offensive BW program (1942-69) that worked primarily with organisms
    that were not contagious in humans (e.g., anthrax and tularemia), the Soviet BW research and development program also sought out the most contagious and lethal bacteria ..."

    “I’m of the point of view that I still think the most likely etiology of this pathology in Wuhan was from a laboratory — escaped,” - Former CDC Director Redfield

    "It’s not unusual for respiratory pathogens that are being worked on in the laboratory to infect the laboratory worker." - Redfield



    "Most of us in a lab, when trying to grow a virus, we try to help make it grow better, and better, and better, and better, and better, and better

    so we can do experiments and figure out about it.

    That’s the way I put it together."

    No intent

  9. @456 of course there are good people in China. I know many and love China, been there many times. BUT those that do the killing, the ethnic cleansing.. they're Nazis. Death to them. And even then I mean first "a fair trial etc" and likely just life long prison sentence instead of real death. It just sounds better. Death to them means "I don't want any of you take part and further poison the human race" .. because if you do ethnic cleansing and hide behind orders, you're just a Nazi.

  10. Psyche experiments suggest that most people from anywhere in the world just go long... just go along with orders.
