Monday, April 26, 2021

Despite All Passengers Showing A Negative Test While Boarding, Fifty-Two Passengers On One Flight From Delhi To Hong Kong Test Positive For Covid After Landing

At least 52 people from a single flight from Delhi to Hong Kong have tested positive for Covid-19, despite all passengers presenting a negative coronavirus test before boarding. Pictured: An earlier graphic showing the seating plan of 49 passengers who tested positive for Covid-19 - the figure has since increased to 52  

Daily Mail: Fifty-two passengers on one flight from Delhi to Hong Kong test positive for coronavirus after landing - despite ALL presenting a negative test while boarding 

 * All of the passengers who tested positive flew into Hong Kong on a flight from Delhi, run by Indian airline Vistara on April 4 

* A total of 118 passengers could have been on-board the flight, but Hong Kong authorities did not disclose the figure 

* Positive results surfaced during three-week quarantine period in Hong Kong 

At least 52 people from a single flight from Delhi to Hong Kong have tested positive for Covid-19, despite all passengers presenting a negative coronavirus test before boarding. 

All of the passengers who tested positive flew into Hong Kong on a flight from India's capital, run by Indian airline Vistara on April 4. 

Hong Kong as a whole has been recording fewer daily new infections than the total number detected on the flight, since it brought a fourth wave of infections under control in January. 

Meanwhile in India, the country's healthcare system is collapsing under a devastating second wave of coronavirus that is killing more than 2,800 people a day in the nation that is home to 1.3 billion people. 

A total of 188 passengers could have been on-board the flight, but Hong Kong authorities did not disclose how many people were on the plane. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This tells me two things. The tests that are being done in New Dehli are not being done right and/or the Indian variant may be more versatile than what we think.

Update: In the meantime the the situation continues to deteriorate in India .... Indian Vaccine Makers Jack Up Prices As Outbreak Worsens; 1st COVID "Triple Mutant" Identified (Zero Hedge).


  1. Aircraft Cabin Air Recirculation and Symptoms of the Common Cold

    "In recent years, new commercial aircraft have been designed to recirculate approximately 50% of the cabin air to increase fuel efficiency. Some older aircraft use only fresh air. Whether air recirculation increases the transmission of infectious disease is unknown; some studies have demonstrated higher rates of the common cold among persons working in buildings that recirculate air."

    "The false-negative rate for SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR testing is highly variable: highest within the first 5 days after exposure (up to 67%), and lowest on day 8 after exposure (21%)."

    Improve the energy star standards, so 75% of the air is recirculated or 90%. Help those false negatives spread the the love.

  2. Probably not acquired on the plane unless the filters are screwed up.
    Tests not working or not done right. Instant tests are useless.


    Why don't soldiers only use HEPA filters against biological warfare agents?

  4. Using a test to determine viral load and when(?) they were infected with the cluster and questionaire, look at the bathrooms? Masks have been determined to be merely theatrical.
