Monday, April 26, 2021

Iran's Foreign Minister Says John Kerry, When He Was Serving As Secretary of State During The Obama Administration, Told Him Of Israeli Covert Operations In Syria

FOX News: Iran's foreign minister says John Kerry told him about Israeli covert operations in Syria  

Kerry has previously been accused of colluding with Iranian leaders to undermine Trump administration 

Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif claimed in recently leaked audio that John Kerry, when he was serving as Secretary of State during the Obama administration, informed him of more than 200 Israeli operations in Syria. 

Kerry has previously been accused of colluding with Iranian leaders to undermine the Trump administration. 

Kerry is now a part of the Biden administration and has a seat on the National Security Council as the special presidential envoy for climate. 

Kerry shocked Zarif by revealing that Israel had attacked Iranian targets in Syria more than 200 times, according to leaked audio obtained by The New York Times and other outlets.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: John Kerry is denying these claims .... Kerry Denies Discussing Israeli Strikes in Syria With Iranian (NYTimes). More here .... John Kerry denies he told Iran about Israel's 200 attacks on Syria while serving as Barack Obama's Secretary of State (Daily Mail). 

Update #1: The wire services are still ignoring this story. 

Update #2: This is a very serious allegation. John Kerry is a member of the National Security Council and is privy to all U.S. intelligence.

Update #3: This is very telling. The White House is saying no comment (see tweet below):

More News On Iran's Foreign Minister Saying John Kerry Told Him Of Israeli Covert Operations In Syria 

Kerry faces calls to step down over leaked Iran tapes -- The Hill  

John Kerry faces calls to resign over allegations of leaking Israeli intel to Iran -- FOX News 

GOP tears into Kerry amid Iran controversy -- Politico  

Calls for John Kerry to be investigated for what he told Iran -- FOX News  

Kerry told Iran's Zarif of Israeli attacks in Syria, leaked tape reveals: report -- i24 News  

Never Tell John Kerry Anything -- Jim Geraghty, National Review

John Kerry is skirting the line of treason with Iran -- Josh Hammer (NYPost)

New York Times 'buried' bombshell that John Kerry told Iran about Israeli covert operations in Syria: Critics -- FOX News


  1. This doesn't surprise me. I'm pretty sure the Israelis know that John Kerry along with a high percentage of US officials aren't trustworthy. As such, they would have fed him and his cohorts false information or at the very least would have withheld key details from them.

  2. A traitor must be shot down.

  3. Also not surprised. He was weak during the obama years , even weaker in this obama/michelle/drugged up old guy puppet administration

  4. Also not surprised. He was weak during the obama years , even weaker in this obama/michelle/drugged up old guy puppet administration

  5. But it was not clear that the alleged disclosure would have revealed any secrets.

    Israel has made little effort to deny years of strikes attributed to it by Syria’s government, news outlets and nongovernmental organizations tracking the Syrian conflict, whose chaos Iran has sought to use to establish a foothold that could threaten Israeli security.

    A New York Times article from 2019 included similar information on the number of Israeli strikes. And Mr. Kerry’s tweet cited a Washington Post reporter’s tweet of a 2018 Reuters article, sourced to a senior Israeli official, reporting that Israel had mounted 200 attacks on Iranian assets in Syria.

    The recording in question captures Mr. Zarif speaking for hours to an interviewer producing an oral history of the current Iranian administration.

    “Kerry has to tell me that Israel has attacked you 200 times in Syria?” says Mr. Zarif, who complains in the recording that Iran’s military has long kept him in the dark on crucial matters. “You did not know?” the interviewer asks twice. Both times, Mr. Zarif replies, “No, no.”

    In the recording, Mr. Zarif does not specify when Mr. Kerry was supposed to have made the comment.

    A State Department official noted on Monday that Mr. Kerry had a record of supporting Israel’s security and that many of the Republicans outraged by Mr. Zarif’s remarks had said previously that his words could not be trusted.

  6. F troll did another copy and paste @ 8:27.

    F troll is a foreign agent, Democrat operative, or a Democrat zealot. There is absolutely no reasoning with it.

    People on the right criticize Boehner, Cantor and McConnell, while their are in office as well as criticizing Democrats, which is even handed or consistent. F troll will copy and paste whole articles from left wing media to destroy a comment thread, whenever a prominent Democrat is criticized. F troll flies CAP for Democrat Party interests on this website.

  7. "That guy a war hero and you believe fucking Iran but not an American? you are the traitors. scum. move back to Iran and Poster: go back to Moscow and kiss Putin's butt"


    War hero(?) John "China Trade FORBES" Kerry had a very short tour of duty. With 3 war grievous wounds a person might ask, how many stiches did Kerry need to sew them all up?


    War hero Kerry also shot a kid, Travon's age, in the back.

    War hero Kerry had a very short tour of duty. Very short. Just long enough to find where the bathroom was at work.



  9. Anon 8:11,

    To go back to Moscow would suggest I've actually been there which I have not. Putin does seem to live rent free on your head.

    For what it's worth, I don't think anything secret was revealed. Those seeking to politicize it will fail.

    Kerry like most US officials is untrustworthy when it pertains to Israel. The Israelis figured this out long ago. As such, they aren't going to share anything of value with us or our leaders.

  10. Agree to disagree. Didn’t matter how much effort he put in fairy or not bam bam didn’t listen. Rest is history
