Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Nine Four-Star U.S. Generals Send A Request To The U.S. Intelligence Community For Help In The Information War Against Russia And China

Politico: Spy chiefs look to declassify intel after rare plea from 4-star commanders 

Top military leaders said the U.S. is falling behind China and Russia in the information war. 

America’s top spies say they are looking for ways to declassify and release more intelligence about adversaries’ bad behavior, after a group of four-star military commanders sent a rare and urgent plea asking for help in the information war against Russia and China. 

A host of troubling actions from those two countries — including efforts to damage America’s relationships with allies and to violate other countries’ sovereignty — mean the Intelligence Community must do more to show the world what Russia and China are doing, according to the commanders. 

The memo from nine regional military commanders last year implored spy agencies to give them more evidence they can make public as a way to combat "pernicious conduct." 

Only by "waging the truth in the public domain against America’s 21st century challengers” can Washington shore up support from American allies, they said. 

But efforts to compete in the battle of ideas, they added, are hamstrung by overly stringent secrecy practices.  

Read more ....  

Update: Nine US generals send '36-star memo' begging spy chiefs to declassify intelligence showing 'pernicious conduct' by Russia and China (Daily Mail)  

WNU Editor: Where were these Generals when many were calling for the declassification of all intelligence files pertaining to Russia-Gate during the Trump administration? Where were these Generals when many were calling for the release behind the intelligence that claimed Russia meddled in the 2016 and 2020 U.S. elections? Where are they with big tech censoring opinions and cancelling accounts that hold views that they disagree with. 

They were and are out of sight and nowhere to be seen. 

And now they are raising the alarm that Russia and China are better at shaping global opinion than the U.S. ?!?!?!? 

This paragraph from Politico best sums it up ....  

.... This battle of ideas is viewed as only widening. In a new threat assessment published this month, the DNI highlighted the aggressive campaigns by both Russia and China to shape global public opinion. 

The information war has been going on for as long as I can remember. It looks like the Pentagon now wants to be a major player in it.


  1. perhaps, dear editor, the generals did not feel they could ask for this under Trump, that he would fire them or silence them. Now they feel more secure in asking.

  2. perhaps, dear slobberer, the generals do not understand how divisive Critical Race Theory, Identity Politics, anti-racism, the 1619 projects, The New York Slime, The Washington Compost, MSLSD, The Communist News Network, NBC of the Exploding trucks, edited 911 calls and cropped videos, CBS of small details like typewriters and other horse shit.

    When I watch Chinese TV it has a positive, upbeat messaging. When you watch American TV they are telling 70% of the population what shits they are.

    Is it any coincidence that these generals were trotted forth at the same time that the Foreign Malign Influence Center was declared? Nah, this is a an orchestrated campaign. What I see is a coordinated attack to build bureaucracies to gain and maintain Democrat control. Period!

    Where was the DoD, CIA, Congress, the MSM, when in the 1980s the USSR spread the lie in African news media that the US created HIV? If these people did not fight before, they are not going to fight now. This is to control the domestic population.

  3. Misfit: do you want our military to tell us how to run the nation?

  4. Misfit: no. we want Breitbart and Fox and NY Post to speak with truth and authority...go back and read that shit and let educated people read better places

  5. Administration officials have privately concluded that an aggressive crackdown on tax avoidance by corporations and the rich could raise at least $700 billion on net over 10 years. The $80 billion in proposed funding would be an increase of two-thirds over the agency’s entire funding levels for the past decade.

    Previous administrations have long talked about trying to close the so-called tax gap — the amount of money that taxpayers owe but that is not collected each year. Earlier this month, the head of the I.R.S., Charles Rettig, told a Senate committee that the agency lacks the resources to catch tax cheats, costing the government as much as $1 trillion a year. The agency’s funding has failed to keep pace with inflation in recent years, amid budget tightening efforts, and its audits of rich taxpayers have declined.

    what trump failed to do, biden will do

  6. F troll at

    2:43 (copy and paste special from a newspaper , which is not for for bird cage lining.
