Friday, April 23, 2021

President Biden Is The Only One Wearing A Mask During A Video Call With World Leaders To Discuss Climate Change

WNU editor: Yup. He is the only leader who masked up. 

If you want to watch the live stream of this climate summit, click on the video below. 


  1. Do you consider that a good thing or a bad thing?
    Does it matter if he wears a mask?
    Why single out that fact? the point?

  2. The point is that Biden is an evil virtue signaling shit or he is a moron. The two are probably not exclusive.

    Considering that Biden and everyone at the White house have been vaccinated twice and that he is probably socially distanced from others the Oval Office except form the hovering vulture named Kamala, and that the White House has a great ventilation system with great filters it is stupid play acting.

    The CDC came out with studies that said masks really do not help in the last month.

    But the Biden hostage team know their gig. If they acknowledge the CDC studies, people might object to all the hysteria that they created in 2020 to capture the White House and install their regime.

    Now be a good boy and take the TPM you were handed and walk back to your boss's desk and shove them where the sun don't shine.

    PS: The White house surely has chem bio filters in the ventilation system. they may not run them all the time as they are expensive, but they have them. Barring usage of the chem bio filters, they have a shit hot hepa filtration system, but kabuki theater must go on.

  3. I'm thinking body double. Easier to hide with a mask.

  4. Why not make the body double president? He would be smarter than Lunch Bucket Joe.

  5. Another Humiliation on the World Stage: Idiot Joe Biden is the Only One Wearing a Mask During Virtual Climate Change Discussion with World Leaders

  6. Ruh Roh!

    Biden appears to be only world leader to wear a mask at virtual climate summit

    "Leaders who could be seen without masks included Putin, Merkel, Erdogan, and EU bigwigs von der Leyen and Michel"

    But I though, if WNU did not point it out no one would have noticed.

    If WNU does not point it out it didn't happen.

    Someone needs to make a phone call to Kamala or Brennan or someone to make sure WNU never pints out anything true and embarrassing ever again!

    The person at the top sounds very hysterical. Is that you Greta?


  7. In typical Bourdain fashion, when asked by author and entrepreneur Richard Reed for one piece of advice to share with the world for his book, “If I Could Tell You Just One Thing,” Bourdain listed 8 things.

    In addition to being kind to waitstaff and a few other points, Bourdain ended his list by giving a piece of advice that can seriously help boost your likability factor — “Don’t be a dick!”

    If I’ve learned anything in life, it’s that dicks come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. But from living all over the world, there are a few commonalities that link them together.

    For starters, looking down on people is a typical dick move. Regardless of color, race, culture, or background, all people want to be acknowledged and treated with respect.

    Speaking poorly of others is also a giant dick quality. But here’s an interesting bit of science that may get you to think before you speak. According to the phenomenon — spontaneous trait inference — how you describe other people is how other people see you. So if you speak poorly of others, people will think poorly of you.

    Gossiping, lying, being a one-upper or an over-interruptor, and being negative all the time round out a lot of the traits that turn most people off from what I’ve gathered.

    So if you want to boost your likability, take note of these behaviors and try to limit them. Of course, not doing them doesn’t automatically make you likable, but it sure helps.

  8. 1:11 goes all developmentally delayed Greta on us.

  9. I thought we were still in the 2 mask phase, or is that only outside?


  10. Concerned Husband says:

    September 6, 2020 at 5:22 pm

    "Breaks are non-existent in my wife’s ICU. Which is at a magnet, tier one hospital. They are all having serious health issues because of this idiocy."



  11. In typical Bourdain fashion, when asked by author and entrepreneur Richard Reed for one piece of advice to share with the world for his book, “If I Could Tell You Just One Thing,” Bourdain listed 8 things.

    In addition to being kind to waitstaff and a few other points, Bourdain ended his list by giving a piece of advice that can seriously help boost your likability factor — “Don’t be a dick!”

    If I’ve learned anything in life, it’s that dicks come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. But from living all over the world, there are a few commonalities that link them together.

    For starters, looking down on people is a typical dick move. Regardless of color, race, culture, or background, all people want to be acknowledged and treated with respect.

    Speaking poorly of others is also a giant dick quality. But here’s an interesting bit of science that may get you to think before you speak. According to the phenomenon — spontaneous trait inference — how you describe other people is how other people see you. So if you speak poorly of others, people will think poorly of you.

    Gossiping, lying, being a one-upper or an over-interruptor, and being negative all the time round out a lot of the traits that turn most people off from what I’ve gathered.

    So if you want to boost your likability, take note of these behaviors and try to limit them. Of course, not doing them doesn’t automatically make you likable, but it sure helps.

  12. PARROT (3:35) 6 O'CLOCK HIGH coming in on a another kamikaze attack. Dang brain dead zealot

  13. Regardless of what any of these studies say… I have been wearing a mask at the hospital since March , 13 hours a day non -stop for 3 shifts a week. I will say that in the beginning I was able to tolerate wearing it all day and be ok. Now it is to the point of looking for another job. After wearing it for an hour I feel terrible and must find a place I can take it off to breathe, which is looked on unfavorably as we are suppose to be compliant.

  14. Biden not the only one in the small group where he was. All the people from other nations were talking from home or some place and alone...seemed Zooming. Biden took off his mask at the conclusion when he spoke.
    In addition, Biden was not the demented non speaker and too old to say anything: he was direct, to the point, and articulate. Addtionally, Climate change is something that most if not all in the GOP or conservative, or trumpers, refuse to recognize as real and important, yet the post is here as a shabby attempt to belittle the President of the U.S.

  15. "In addition, Biden was not the demented non speaker and too old to say anything: he was direct, to the point, and articulate."

    Drugs do help, but that dude is on a downward slope.

    Long days? Nope
    Long trips? Nope
    Seen after the 9 to 5 workday? Nope

  16. President Sundowner Trips

    1 Detroit
    2 Philadelphia
    3 Delaware
    4 Crossing the Potomac. He actually got to Alexandria, Virginia, It was within sight of the White House, but it is still VIGINIA!

    "Flying time from Washington, DC to Detroit, MI The total flight duration from Washington, DC to Detroit, MI is 1 hour, 7 minutes. This is the average in-air flight time (wheels up to wheels down",+DC/to/Detroit,+MI

    Would not want to stress the old coot.

  17. "Addtionally, Climate change is something that most if not all in the GOP or conservative, or trumpers, refuse to recognize as real and important, yet the post is here as a shabby attempt to belittle the President of the U.S."

    Climate changes all the time. What we believers in science and the scientific method belief is that warming won't be as much as Hansen said. Hansen's 6 to 8.5 degrees Celsius was tossed out the window about 5 years ago, but that is the fairytale they used to try to spook people over a cliff.

    The website I go to, the website owner believes that the increase will only be 1.5 degrees. So you would call him a denier. You're also a chucklehead. The warmunists deny 1.5 degrees increase by 2100 because a cost benefit analysis would determine that we should not ruin the economy be shifting energy sources. But WTF, a person can never debate numbers with you, because you are a god damn innumerate bitch and never argue quantitatively. You're damn joke.

    A demented puppet like Joe will read a teleprompter and tell us that we have to cut CO2 by half in the US in 10 years time or we are doomed. Yet China will increase their CO2 by what we cut and president Puppet will not tell us that we are doomed. I know that you cannot understand the logic of that argument or will not honestly countenance and debate it.

    Lets face it. You are dishonest, dumb or both. Replying to you is like trying to reason with a two year of who is having a tantrum. Well almost. The two year old would be more intelligent and wiser than you.
