Monday, April 26, 2021

Russian President Putin Agrees To Meet President Biden Later This Year

© Alexei Nikolsky/Russian Presidential Press and Information Office/TASS  

US News and World Report: Putin Agrees to Meet Biden as West Seeks to Deescalate Russian Aggression 

The Russian leader appears to have secured global attention following the apparent withdrawal of hundreds of thousands of Russian troops from the Ukraine border. 

The Kremlin on Monday confirmed President Vladimir Putin has accepted President Joe Biden's invitation to meet sometime this summer, granting the Russian leader a high-profile summit after weeks of near unprecedented provocations from Moscow. 

Biden during a telephone call on April 13 proposed that the meeting take place in a European country at some point in the coming months, shortly before the U.S. imposed sanctions on Russia for a widespread hack into federal servers. 

That exchange came amid a massive surge in Russian military forces along its border with Ukraine numbering more than 100,000 according to local estimates before Russian leaders ordered a withdrawal last week.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Kremlin says the date has yet to be determined .... Putin-Biden summit planned for summer, Kremlin says (TASS). 

I personally have doubts that this meeting is going to take place. There is currently no common ground between Washington and Moscow. A meeting will only intensify these differences. 

Here is a good analysis on the current sour relations between the two countries .... Moscow Angered And Bewildered By Biden’s Summit Proposal Followed By Sanctions – Analysis (Eurasia Review).


  1. As someone wrote several times before, meetings usually take place after diplomats have reached an agreement, which is ready to be signed. Only then do the world leaders meet. IMO this meeting sole purpose is to raise Joe Biden's status and make it look like he is busy and in charge. The planned audience is not a Russian or a world audience, but a domestic/American one. The North Koreans will launch a test missile, which will fall into the ocean east of Japan.

  2. when trump met putin what agreement was reached and signed? we do not even know what they talked about!

  3. biden be da prez n da prez can declassify anything just have dopey declassify the meeting notes the interpreter wrote up

  4. Who is interpreter Marina Gross and will her notes of Trump's Putin meeting be useful? - ABC News
    "Interpreters are concerned a Congressional subpoena would set a bad precedent."

    you have da house, da senate, da oval office and a cowed scotus, just declassify it and quit ur butthurt cwying

    if it breach diplomatic protocol do it anyways getting trump is more important than international decorum

  5. Trump hid his calls with Putin. Now, Biden has access to them. - Politico

    "What was said between the two leaders is a great mystery, one that advisers to the current president say is imperative to find out."

    don't publish an official transcript just leak them swamp style be sure to impress putin xi and da rest of dem

  6. when trump met putin what agreement was reached and signed?

    side meeting during G20 when sundown goes to europe dis summer see if advisers misplace joe so der is no side meeting

  7. sorry lads, but Biden will do just fine!
    all dementia and low energy bullshit coming out of trumpies are plain stupid. Small wonder Biden numbers way up and beyond anything Trump ever got
    why not wait till meeting takes place before telling us hos bad he is? that is also very stupid

  8. "Biden’s approval is the third lowest since President Harry Truman. Only
    President Trump and President Gerald Ford scored lower. Both of them
    had the media united against them, and Biden has received nothing but
    air cover and glowing coverage from the corporate media

    That’s right, the drooling puppet president, who has been perma-fluffed by the mainstream media, is beating the guys the MSM hated but not anyone else. How awful do you have to be to not get a better boost from the media lust than Grandpa Gropes has gotten?"

  9. Name calling is childish when the stats are there

  10. Fred,

    You did not reading the poll internals or you did and you are trolling? So I will ask you straight up. Which of the following are true? You did not read the poll internals and see the oversample? You do not know how to read poll internals? You are trolling?

    You also cannot, will not, or don't care about comparing Biden's poll numbers to all residents since FDR or Truman. You could straight up compare the run charts or you could use other methods. Why don't you order and rank data. It is interesting. Ask Hari and you'll know what time it is.

    A borrowed a tactic from you. I copied and pasted someone's words. Only I copied and pasted 2 paragraphs instead of a whole one or 2 page article. I also used quotes.

    Did the author of the article, which I excerpted, call the president a name. After years of reading you name calling and tantrums and also the last 4 decades of name calling by elected national stature Democrats fighting fire (name calling) with fire (name calling) is appropriate.

    You keep trolling bro.

  11. Rasmussen currently has president Biden at 51% approval. His approval hovers between 47 to 52%. Trump's approval ratings typically hovered between 45 to 60% and stood at 51% on the day he left office.

    While Biden's approval ratings according to Rasmussen do seem to trend a bit higher than Trump's, his approval ratings aren't anything earth shattering. Based upon the track record Rasmussen is the best pollster on the business. When we want to know what's really happening it's prudent to consult with sources like Rasmussen. This will help us cut through the noise of the propagandists be they "left" or "right."

    I think it seems obvious Biden is receiving far more favorable news coverage than Trump did. I'm pretty sure people factor this in when deciding if they approve or disapprove. In other words, we all know the media is biased. I'm not sure how much it helps Biden's approval bit am sure it doesn't hurt.

    As for details of Trump/Putin conversations, it certainly would be easy to declassified or simply selectively leak. I suspect this hasn't happened because the conversations don't fit the narrative. Putin fears Trump and the transcripts would reveal this. At least this is my take on this.

  12. I meant Trump's approval ratings hovered between 45 to 50%. I apologize for the typo.

  13. Rasmussen always leans Right and is not well-regarded by those in the statistics business
    Biden doing a great job and most gop non elected folks approve of his plans. It is the trumpies, here, and in the senate, that try to demean him. It is not working. He is liked and he is doing a great job.Check how he took control of the virus and how the economy is soaring and how he is helping people and businesses to recover. Trump sat on his ass when not playing golf or appoint fellow misfits.
    Tucker Carlson Says Call the Cops on Kids Wearing Masks Outdoors

  14. All the non-Rasmussen polling ops had a big pow wow to discuss how they could have gotten polls so wrong during the last election. They promise to do better. They got 2016 wrong and 202 wrong.

    3rd tie is the charm right troll?

    Let's see another ne of your signature hissy fits.
