Thursday, April 29, 2021

Top U.S. General Says Russia's Increasing Military Flights Around Alaska Are 'A Strain On Our Units'

An F-22 intercepts a Russian Tu-95 bomber near Alaska. NORAD 

Business Insider: Russia's increasing military flights around Alaska are 'a strain on our units,' top US commander says 

* Numerous US officials have said that Russian military flights around Alaska have increased. 

 * Responding to them strains Air Force units in Alaska, the top commander there said Wednesday. 

* But they still do it "in a timely, professional manner" and "with style," Air Force Lt. Gen. David Krumm said. 

Russian military flights around Alaska are taxing the US units that respond to them, but they are handling the strain well, the top US commander in Alaska said Wednesday. 

Air Force Lt. Gen. David Krumm, head of Alaskan Command, is the latest US military official to warn about those flights, which have "increased significantly." 

"As a matter of fact, the highest activity we've had since the fall of the Soviet Union occurred last year," Krumm said at an Air Force Association event. "So we've intercepted more airplanes in and around the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone than in a really, really long time." 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The U.S. Air Force dwarfs the Russian Air Force. But apparently these few Russian flights off the border of Alaska is straining the US Air Force.


  1. Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is running these three fine female vets for office in 2022.

  2. A pinup calendar is coming out in December to raise money for their campaigns.

  3. Why would you even say this????

    Back in Russia HQ: it's causing stress, right, let's double them....

    Bunch of dickheads running the airforce

  4. worried? go serve in their place

    1. Won't have to see your sorry self will I?

  5. nope. just sign up, macho man

  6. He's just a gutless whining bitch.

  7. Why is it so hard for our government to protect our borders? we got planes in Europe, the middle east, Africa and the Asian theater. But we can't have planes in Alaska. I thought the current tyrants in Washington were afraid of Russia. Huh? again their actions do not match their rhetoric. Of wait, they are afraid Russia will attack Ukraine. Such vital interest to the US and all. How does that make you feel Alaskans?


  8. Good thing we cancelled the F-22 and Seawolf sub programs. Because the Cold War was over!
