Sunday, April 25, 2021

Tweets Of The Day


Anonymous said...

“Y’all gonna kill me like Ma’Khia Bryant?”

“Are you gonna stab somebody like her?”



Perfect response. You can get impeached for prefect a response, so many of us expect Mayor Bowser(D) to put pressure on the police Chief to get this police officer fired or in trouble.

Black assailants' lives matter, Black victims' lives don't

Anonymous said...

"#UPDATE US President Joe Biden on Saturday recognized the 1915 killings of Armenians by Ottoman forces as genocide, a watershed moment for descendants of the hundreds of thousands of dead as he defied decades of pressure by Turkey"

Those Armenians are carrying tiki torches. They must be RACIST!

Or tiki touches must be the most ubiquitous and cost effective torch a person in an industrialized society can obtain.

Anonymous said...

Sec. of State Blinken has authorized U.S. embassies and consulates around the world to fly the rainbow LGBTQ flag on the same flagpole as the American flag - The Hill

Virtue signalling until they wear it out. It makes sense though that Blinken does not understand the concept of diminishing returns much less science. Nancy Pelosi does not understand the concept of diminishing returns. She thinks the more she spends, the more the economy grows.

Anonymous said...

"Superheros are Everywhere"

A fairy tale in book format by Queen Kamala Harris

Bought and published by the Federal Government.


Anonymous said...

Nothing’s too good for the kids who can’t read or speak English.

Anonymous said...

Illegals get the gift basket.

You get the bill.

Anonymous said...

Illegals get the gift basket.

Kamala gets the moolah.

You get the bill.

Anonymous said...

Poll: At 100 days, Biden's approval remains strong. Can the honeymoon last?

Anonymous said...

Mommy issues woke up before noon.

Anonymous said...

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell Were Once White House Guests of Bill Clinton

Anonymous said...

Never Before Seen Photos Reveal Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell Were VIP Guests in Bill Clinton’s White House