Tuesday, June 29, 2021

New York City Mayor's Race "Plunges Into Chaos"

Zero Hedge: New York City Mayor's Race "Plunges Into Chaos" As 130,000 'Test-Run' Votes Lead To Unprecedented "Discrepancy"  

Update (2220ET): Wtih the New York City Mayoral race "plunged into chaos" (as the NYT puts it), journalist Bob Hardt now reports that the Board of Elections counted 130,000 'test-run' votes, which would account for most of the 'discrepancy' reported earlier. Hardt added that the BoE will now head 'back to the drawing board' to produce corrected ranked-choice numbers tomorrow. Presumably by then the outcome of the election will have been decided and things can go smoother then... 

Hours after the New York City's Board of Elections released an updated ranked voting tally for the Democratic Primary which showed front-runner Eric Adams' lead shrinking considerably, BOE officials acknowledged a 'discrepancy' in the ballot count.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: New York Mayor’s Race in Chaos after Elections Board Pulls Back Results (NYT)  

Update #2: NYC mayoral primary race thrown into chaos as BOE appears to botch vote count (NYPost)  

WNU Editor: I cannot help but smile. The way the New York media is covering this election train wreck is in sharp contrast to how they covered President Trump's protests on how the 2020 Presidential election was run. 

All that I can say is that until the U.S. decides to change how it runs its elections .... or more to the point .... adopt the way elections are run in places like Canada, Europe, Japan, and every other democratic country in the Western world (paper ballots, election observers from all political parties present, voter ID, etc.), the U.S. will forever be in chaos when they have a major election.


  1. The more Demoncrat a person is the more greedy and evil they are.

    Democrats tell us we should adopt Europe's mixed model socialism. They want that, but not European style elections.

    What it means is that the want socialism with them on top and always on top. If they screw up, by being on top they are cushioned from their own mistakes until miraculously some time in the future they get it right. They get it dialed in.


  2. If you can steal the election of the largest city in a state for local elections, you can steal the state for a national election.

    Can Democrats steal an election? Yes, they can.

  3. /"I'm shocked, SHOCKED that the NYC Marxists are rigging the election in here."



  4. the failure to note the difference between the chaos in NY which will get straigtened out by the courts etc and the continuing attempt at a national level to deny the results of both the electoral college and the popular vote by Trump is clear here. Has anyone of the candidates in NY told followers to march on City Hall etc etc¿ Clearly Trump has done what no other candidate in American history has ever done and has made the notion of an American democracy a laughing stock world-wide.

    1. You'd better hurry with your lawfare!

  5. Replies
    1. It's getting harder and harder isn't it.

  6. @ 6:38 we were a laughing stock way before Trump dude, that's why he won the 1st time around

  7. Prima facie evidence of incompetence or fraud and all Fred Lapides wants to do is gaslight and express his extreme Trump derangement syndrome.

    You could run "we were testing the system" time after time and claim an honest mistake. Of the 125,000 test ballots I wonder how they were weighted. Were they weighted so the preferred candidate of liberals won?

    What if the election judges read the polls and saw their candidate would lose by 1 percentage point. So they weight the test batch by enough and and make the test batch size large enough to erase the deficit. Then they wait. If no one catches on to the test ballots they are in like flint. If the test ballots are caught, they claim honest mistake.

    6:38 6:47 6:57 are all Fred Lapides or someone copying his style.

    I just knew he would post a comment. The corruption exposed is just too great for him not to try his "Look at the birdy" routine.

    1. Don't worry our "patch cord ranger"
      will lie some more.

    2. Don't forget a certain person in the Canadian west!

  8. The person out west had 3 or 4 skills sets. Acela has none.

  9. You lost
    Trump lost
    Trump screwed up virus response and he knows that made him one yet president
    Ho ho ho

    1. Told you he'd lie some more. Let's see what names he comes up with this time.

  10. Trump got a vaccine in 9 months that an expert, Lord Fauci, said would take longer, much longer.

    Some screw up. If it is a crew up we need more of them.

    "It will take at least a year to a year and a half to have a vaccine we can use"
    - Fauci March 3, 2020.
