Saturday, July 31, 2021

US B-52 Bombers Back Into Action Over Afghanistan

U.S. Air Force photo  

Arab News: US brings B-52 bombers back into action as Taliban sweep across Afghanistan 

* Washington’s strategy to deploy the heavily armed planes a ‘worrying sign’ 

KABUL: A US B-52 bomber has pounded Taliban positions in Afghanistan’s western Herat province after the group gained ground near the area amid intense clashes with government forces, officials and lawmakers said on Saturday. 

The strike took place on the outskirts of Herat city on Friday, with flights to and from the area suspended after increased violence near its airport. 

“Unfortunately, all flights to Herat have been canceled due to the fighting and the information we have received suggest that a B-52 was used in the fighting yesterday (Friday) in Herat,” provincial lawmaker Habib Ur Rahman Pedram told Arab News.

No further details were given, such as the number of casualties or the scale of the attack.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This is definitely a worrying indication on how bad the situation in Afghanistan has become.


  1. Yeah, a sign of the "great retreat" alright.

    That was an accurate and thoughtful analysis. Sure was.

  2. Human are hard headed: when things are finished, they are finished!
    Get rid of it and go to a more important problem.

  3. When you carpet bomb you admit it's bad

    It never works long time, carpet Bombing is used at the beginning and end of a campaign for a reason

  4. Damn, this is how we got started on this crap.😖🤯

  5. Dont worry Jeff, this isn't the shock and awe beginning, this is the save face bombastic exit

    Also.. while these side shows go on, tyranny in our own countries spread.. the tyranny of "science science" and lockdowns and passports and thought crimes and wrong speak...

    When will people realise what's going on? Like big picture..

    The world is up for grabs and they're making their move and people binge watch Netflix while their rights are taken and their future is eradicated. They're literally plotting to enslave and kill most of us

    They have plans and projects to do this and have run tests for 20 years.. dark winter, operation lock step.. the next one will be hack attack to further consolidate information and communication power .. they'r trying to take the internet back and keep you dumb..we may only have weeks left

  6. Carpet bombing happens in the middle too, if the enemy lines up for a mass attack.

    That said, this is probably the end.

  7. There's no middle. Only the beginning or the end of a middle.

  8. The Slow Joe administration trying to save face. Or salvage what remains of it. The scary thing is, we're only 6+ months into the administration. Actually, it's not really his fault, he was handed a shit sandwich made by the Bush and Obama administrations. But after the treatment DJT received for every. single. thing. they. did. (or didn't), I'm rather enjoying the heat being on the Democraps for a change. Meet the new boss, and all that.

  9. So true@1257

    People always think that lets say in nazi Germany fascist simply took over

    That's not possible. There's too few of them to overwhelm a society

    BUT if people ignore the signs, then fascism not only can but will spread.

    And the biggest fascist is Pelosi right now. I truly hope when prime realise what she did that they'll kill her. I don't think it'll even go to trials, they'll just lynch her right then and there

  10. So we now know who created and financed the massive Georgia guide stones!!@!!!!

    (For those of you who are not up to speed with what's going on with the lockdowns and the depopulation plans: the Georgia guide stones bear instructions to cull the human population down to 500 million to live in "perpetual harmony with nature"

    In short they want to kill/ eradicate 7bin of us through a mixture of vaccines, sterilisation through GMO and the water supply

    But to the point.. guess who financed these mega stones?


    And it gets better

    Ted Turner is an anti humanist who wants the World as we know it to end and he even has prepared an end of the world doomsday video he instructed CNN to broadcast

    Turner Doomsday Video" is the internal title of a video intended to be broadcast by CNN at the end of the world. The video, created at the direction of CNN founder Ted Turner before the network's 1980 launch,[1] is a performance of the Christian hymn "Nearer My God To Thee" performed by multiple members of the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine bands.[2][3]

    Like what's going on at CNN?
    All their perverted hosts, the drug users, the pedophiles and homosexuals(nothing against them, but they certainly don't think about procreation and won't leave any children, so their perspective is a bit different and relevant to point out regarding the death cult at CNN and the wars, lies, unsafe drugs(mRNA genetic experimental drugs, rushed on top of it all, talking you into taking them!)

    Make arrests!!! Ffs if the DAs don't care, YOU SHOULD! They're known anti humans who have doomsday songs and who spends millions on creating structures commanding the eradication of mankind

    Like WHAT THE FUCK!?????

  11. "As of February 2020, about 13,000 American troops were still in the country. "

    "According to CENTCOM, the U.S. had reduced its Afghan troop numbers to 8,600 by 18 June 2020"

    13,000 - 8,600 = 4,4000

    So 4,4000 troops were withdrawn under Trump. So the statement "He did nothing. zip. shit. zero" is a lie

    Go back to kneading your external hemorrhoids with your teeth, dog breath.


  12. Dog breath! One of my favorites since the last century, 2:33. Good choice, sir. Good choice.

  13. Last century was a mere 21 years ago. You better check your calendar. It is less than a generation. Good cut downs never go out of style and you do know this is the internet. Don't you?
